Dion - Hearts Made of Stone Lyrics + Chords

Hearts Made of Stone Lyrics

Thought you were king of the mountain top
master of your fate
why should you ever stop
you don't need any guidance for your life
you knew it all somehow
you were part of the "me generation"
no one mattered but you
a true sensation
you spoke but
really never listened
around you as a wall


superficial changes can never touch the core
an inside job is so deep
that it floods every pore
it floods every pore
Hearts made of stone will someday break
when you stand before the throne
then you will wake

Then you cried one day
yes you died one day
in joyfulness and tears
of happiness you were born that day
you were freed that day
became his seed one day
with his precious holy spirit
you were sealed that day
he revealed that day
that he was that day

Hearts made of stone you never tried
to see what made you start
never let anybody truly touch your heart
hanging on to what you thought
you had but it was all a dream
gold and silver you had plenty
surely you'd be recognized
by heaven above
so wise in your own eyes
that you became a fool


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