Indescribable Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration
Indescribable, a worship song by Chris Tomlin, captivates the hearts of believers with its powerful lyrics and awe-inspiring melody. This blog post will explore the meaning of the song, delve into its inspiration and story, reference Bible verses that the song alludes to, and provide practical applications for Christian living.
1. The Meaning of "Indescribable":
The word "indescribable" means something that cannot be adequately put into words or described fully. In the context of this song, it refers to the incomprehensible majesty and power of God's creation. It portrays the awe and wonder that arise when we contemplate the beauty and intricacy of the natural world.
2. The Inspiration and Story Behind the Song:
"Indescribable" was written by Laura Story, a contemporary Christian songwriter, and was first recorded by Chris Tomlin in 2004. The inspiration for the song came from Psalm 19:1, which says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." The song was birthed out of a desire to express the overwhelming sense of wonder and reverence that the psalmist felt when observing God's creation.
3. Bible Verses Referenced in the Song:
a) Psalm 19:1-4: As mentioned earlier, this psalm beautifully describes how the heavens and skies declare the glory of God. The song echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the indescribable nature of God's creation.
b) Job 38:4-7: This passage recounts God's response to Job's questioning of His sovereignty. It highlights God's role as the creator of the universe and the one who set its boundaries.
c) Isaiah 40:26: This verse states, "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing." These words reinforce the awe-inspiring power and knowledge of God.
4. Practical Application: Reflecting on God's Indescribable Creation:
The song "Indescribable" serves as a powerful reminder of our place in God's creation and our responsibility as stewards of it. Here are some practical applications for Christian living inspired by the song:
a) Cultivate a heart of gratitude: As we contemplate the beauty and complexity of God's creation, let us develop a heart of gratitude for the world He has given us. Recognize the blessings around you and express thankfulness to God for His indescribable works.
b) Embrace humility: When faced with the vastness and grandeur of God's creation, we are reminded of our smallness. Embrace humility and recognize that we are mere creatures in God's magnificent design. Let this humility guide our interactions with others and our reverence for the Creator.
c) Care for the environment: God has entrusted us with the care of His creation. As we witness the indescribable beauty of the natural world, let it inspire us to be responsible stewards of the environment. Take practical steps to reduce waste, conserve resources, and protect the Earth's ecosystems.
d) Seek God's presence in nature: Nature provides an opportunity to connect with God in a unique way. Take time to be still, observe the wonders of creation, and seek His presence in the beauty around you. Use this time to reflect, pray, and draw closer to Him.
e) Share God's love through creation: The indescribable beauty of God's creation can serve as a powerful means of sharing His love with others. Invite friends and family to witness the wonders of nature, and use this opportunity to share your faith and point them to the Creator.
"Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin is a song that stirs our hearts to awe and wonder at the magnificence of God's creation. It reminds us of our place in His grand design and challenges us to be responsible stewards of the Earth. May this song inspire us to cultivate gratitude, embrace humility, care for the environment, seek God's presence in nature, and share His love through creation. Let us join our voices with Chris Tomlin and countless others as we proclaim, "You are amazing God, indescribable and uncontainable!"