Caedmon's Call - Sarala Lyrics
- Song Title: Sarala
- Album: Share the Well
- Artist: Caedmon's Call
- Released On: 25 Apr 2000
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Stray dogs in the airport bark
Tail curled up like a question mark
And all the people scatter
Rats in the gutter scare Sarala
Ta ta le le
Ta ta le le
Sarala holds her daddy's hand
Sarala meets her daddy's land
Sarala, Sarala
Ricksha walla begs the question
Are all these red lights just suggestions
Oh, it's gonna be OK
They know dead men can't pay, Sarala
Ta ta le le
Ta ta le le
Sarala holds her daddy's hand
Sarala meets her daddy's land
Sarala, Sarala
Jesus found your grandfather there
I heard him say these cows aren't sacred
They're just in the way
And he was beat down
On this street you're walking now
North Carolina will never be the same
For the girl with her grandmother's name
Ta ta le le
Ta ta le le
Sarala holds her daddy's hand
Sarala meets her daddy's land
Sarala, Sarala, Sarala