Brandon Lake - Found Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: I Have Found
  • Album: Closer
  • Artist: Brandon Lake
  • Released On: 20 May 2016
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Brandon Lake Found

Found Lyrics

Verse 1
Out of the dark, straight to my heart
Your love came and found me here,
I'm never the same, forever I'm changed
by a love so amazing.

Found! Found! Found in Your love
I'm found! Found! No longer lost
I'm found! Found in Your love,
Ohh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, found in Your love.

Verse 2
Fear left behind, now I'm alive
with hope racing through my veins,
Living in light, a glorious life
I've traded my past for praise.

Pre-Chorus 2
I was a stray, You showed me grace - now I'm...


From death to life, from dark to light,
From fear to faith - forever changed


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