Angela Primm - Fill My Cup, Lord Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Fill My Cup Lord
  • Album: Sanctuary
  • Artist: Angela Primm
  • Released On: 01 Aug 2012
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Angela Primm Fill My Cup, Lord

Fill My Cup, Lord Lyrics

Like the woman at the well, I was seeking
For things that could not satisfy.
And then I heard my Savior speaking
“Draw from My well that never shall run dry.”

Fill my cup, Lord;
I lift it up Lord;
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

There are millions in this world who are craving
For pleasures earthly things afford.
But none can match the wondrous treasure
That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord.

So my brother if the things that this world gives you
Leave hungers that won’t pass away,
My blessed Lord will come and save you
If you kneel to Him and humbly pray

Fill My Cup, Lord Video

Fill My Cup, Lord Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Fill My Cup, Lord: Seeking Satisfaction in God's Well


Fill My Cup, Lord is a beautiful Christian hymn that has touched the hearts of many believers throughout the years. The song, composed by Richard Blanchard, is a heartfelt prayer for the Lord to fill our cup and satisfy the thirst of our souls.

Seeking Satisfaction:

The opening lines of the song immediately draw our attention to the fact that as human beings, we often seek for things that cannot satisfy us. Just like the woman at the well in John 4:4-26, we go after earthly pleasures and material possessions, thinking that they will bring us true fulfillment. However, as the song suggests, these things always leave us empty and longing for more. The Lord invites us to come to Him and find true satisfaction that can only be found in Him.

Drawing from God's Well:

The next part of the song expresses the Savior's invitation to draw from His well that never runs dry. This beautiful metaphor reminds us of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. In verse 13 of that passage, Jesus says, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again." (John 4:13-14) This invitation extends to all believers, inviting us to come to Him and receive His living water that will quench our spiritual thirst forever.

The Prayer for Filling:

The chorus of the song serves as a prayer to the Lord, asking Him to fill our cup and satisfy the longing of our souls. It is a humble plea for the bread of heaven to feed us until we want no more. This prayer acknowledges our dependency on God to provide us with the spiritual nourishment that we desperately need. It reflects a deep desire to be filled and made whole by the presence of God in our lives.

Craving Earthly Things:

The third verse of the song points out the millions of people in the world who are craving the pleasures that earthly things offer. It is a reminder that the temporary satisfaction these things provide will never compare to the wondrous treasure found in Jesus Christ. This verse echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21, where He warns against storing up treasures on earth but instead encourages us to store up treasures in heaven. Earthly possessions may bring temporary pleasure, but they will never satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

Salvation and Redemption:

The final verse of the song offers hope and salvation to those who are seeking satisfaction in the world's offerings. It acknowledges that the things of this world will leave us hungry and unsatisfied, but Jesus, our blessed Lord, will come and save us if we humbly pray and surrender to Him. This verse reflects the biblical truth that salvation and redemption are found in Jesus alone. Acts 4:12 states, "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

The Meaning and Inspiration:

Fill My Cup, Lord is a song that speaks to the universal human experience of seeking satisfaction and fulfillment in all the wrong places. It beautifully captures the longing of our souls and points us to the only source of true satisfaction, which is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The hymn serves as a reminder to turn our focus away from the temporary pleasures of this world and towards the eternal satisfaction that can only be found in God.

The inspiration behind this song can be found in the biblical account of the Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter between Jesus and the woman served as a transformative moment in her life as she realized that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah. She experienced a deep spiritual awakening and her heart was filled with the living water that Jesus offered. This encounter inspired the songwriter to pen the lyrics of Fill My Cup, Lord, capturing the essence of the woman's experience and inviting others to seek the same satisfaction in Christ.

Biblical Foundation:

When analyzing the biblical foundation of a song, it is important to examine the lyrics in light of the overall message of Scripture. In the case of Fill My Cup, Lord, the song aligns with numerous biblical truths and themes. It acknowledges our innate desire for satisfaction and fulfillment, which can only be found in God. It emphasizes the need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who offers us living water that quenches our spiritual thirst forever. The song also highlights the futility of seeking satisfaction in earthly possessions and calls us to store up treasures in heaven.

The biblical references to the woman at the well in John 4 further reinforce the song's message. Jesus' invitation to the woman to drink from His well and never thirst again is a powerful image of the spiritual satisfaction and fulfillment that can only be found in Him. The song echoes this invitation and encourages believers to come to Jesus and find true satisfaction in Him alone.


Fill My Cup, Lord is a powerful and deeply meaningful song that resonates with the hearts of believers. Its main key messages of seeking satisfaction in God, drawing from His well, and finding fulfillment in Jesus Christ are supported by biblical references and truths. The song serves as a reminder to turn away from the temporary pleasures of this world and seek eternal satisfaction in a personal relationship with God. May the words of this hymn continue to inspire and encourage believers to seek the only source of true fulfillment, Jesus Christ, and may our cups overflow with His love and grace. Fill My Cup, Lord Lyrics -  Angela Primm

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