Vineyard Worship - Sons And Daughters Lyrics


Sons And Daughters Lyrics

This is who we are 
Sons and daughters 
We’re crying out 
For Your living water 
We need the love 
Of the perfect Father 
This is who are 
Sons and daughters  

We come as Your children 
Say yes to You, Father 
We’ve come to drink deep of your living water
We come as your children 
Say yes to You, Father 
We’re born of the Spirit, the blood, and the water

This is who You are  
The Perfect Father 
Pouring out Your love  
On your sons and daughters  
You never fail
Even though we falter
This is who You are 
The Perfect Father 

Receiving love 
Sons and daughters 
A perfect Love 
A perfect Father 

We’re receiving love 
Like Sons and daughters 
A perfect Love 
A perfect Father

Sons And Daughters Lyrics -  Vineyard Worship

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