Third Day - Falling To Pieces Lyrics

Falling To Pieces Lyrics

This feeling in my heart
Is tearing me apart
No matter what I do
I can't run away from You

You've given and I've taken
I'm asking once again

My life is falling to pieces
Living my own way
My world is spinning in circles
So today your will be done

I'm walking on the edge
And trying to forget
The promises I've made
And the sacrifice you paid
You've given and I've taken
But I'm asking once again

Falling To Pieces Video

Falling To Pieces Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Falling To Pieces by Third Day is a beautiful and emotional song that speaks to the struggles of life and the desire to surrender our will to God. The lyrics of the song convey a sense of desperation and the need for divine intervention in our lives.

Meaning of the Song

The song starts with the words, "This feeling in my heart is tearing me apart, no matter what I do, I can't run away from You." These opening lines speak to the internal struggle many Christians face when trying to reconcile their desires with God's will. We often find ourselves in situations where we know what is right, but our hearts are pulling us in a different direction. We try to ignore the nudging of the Holy Spirit, but it becomes increasingly difficult to do so.

The chorus of the song then goes on to say, "My life is falling to pieces, living my own way, my world is spinning in circles, so today your will be done." These lines speak to the consequences of ignoring God's will in our lives. When we try to live life on our terms, we often find that things start to unravel. The world around us seems chaotic, and we feel like we are losing control. However, when we surrender our will to God, we find peace and purpose.

The second verse of the song continues with the theme of surrender, "I'm walking on the edge and trying to forget, the promises I've made, and the sacrifice you paid." These lines paint a picture of a person who is struggling to let go of their own desires and let God take control. We often make promises to God, but when life gets tough, we forget those promises and turn back to our old ways. However, the sacrifice that Jesus made for us reminds us of the importance of surrendering our will to God.

Inspiration and Story Behind the Song

The inspiration and story behind Falling To Pieces by Third Day are not widely known. However, the lyrics of the song suggest that it was written out of personal struggle and a desire to surrender to God's will. The lead singer of Third Day, Mac Powell, has spoken in interviews about the importance of surrendering our will to God. He has said that the band's music is meant to encourage listeners to give their lives to Jesus and trust in His plan.

Relevant Bible Verses

Many Bible verses speak to the theme of surrendering our will to God. One of the most well-known is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse reminds us that we cannot rely on our own understanding, but we must trust in God and submit to His will.

Another relevant Bible verse is Romans 12:1-2, which says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This verse calls us to offer ourselves as a sacrifice to God and not conform to the ways of the world. Instead, we should be transformed by renewing our minds and seeking God's will in our lives.

Practical Application to Christian Living

Falling To Pieces by Third Day is a powerful song that speaks to the struggles of surrendering our will to God. As Christians, we must learn to trust in God's plan for our lives and let go of our own desires. Here are a few practical applications of the song to Christian living:

1. Surrender your will to God: The first step in living a life that is pleasing to God is surrendering our will to Him. We must learn to trust in His plan and let go of our own desires.

2. Seek God's will: Once we have surrendered our will to God, we must seek His will for our lives. We can do this through prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking guidance from other Christians.

3. Don't conform to the ways of the world: As Christians, we must resist the temptation to conform to the ways of the world. Instead, we should be transformed by renewing our minds and seeking God's will in our lives.

4. Trust in God's plan: When life gets tough, we must remember to trust in God's plan. He has promised to work all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

In conclusion, Falling To Pieces by Third Day is a beautiful and emotional song that speaks to the struggles of surrendering our will to God. The lyrics of the song convey a sense of desperation and the need for divine intervention in our lives. As Christians, we must learn to trust in God's plan and let go of our own desires. We must seek His will for our lives and resist the temptation to conform to the ways of the world. When we trust in God's plan, we can find peace and purpose, even in the midst of chaos.

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