The Perrys - Moses And Elijah Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Moses and Elijah
  • Album: Testament
  • Artist: The Perrys
  • Released On: 09 Jun 2017
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
The Perrys Moses And Elijah

Moses And Elijah Lyrics

I've growin' tired of this wicked world
And now I'm longing for my home.
If we stay here in a land so strange
How can we sing the Lord's song?
I wanna rise up like the prophets of old,
Glorified in a body set free.
Walk with my Lord on the streets of pure gold
And see the ones who were there before me.

Just like Moses and Elijah
I'm going up someday.
I might rise alive like Elijah did
Or like Moses, be raised from the grave.
I'll hear the shout and the trumpet sound
In the fourth watch of the night.
Just like Moses and Elijah,
I'll be taking my heavenly flight.

I'm looking up like the Bible says,
My redemption's drawing nigh.
Wars gonna rage till the rivers run red
And the Earth turns barren and dry.
Just like he did in the days of the Flood
God will save us from the judgment to come.
Christ will appear, and He'll take the saints home
And the struggles down here will be done.

Just like Moses and Elijah,
I'm going up someday.
I might rise alive like Elijah did
Or like Moses, be raised from the grave.
I'll hear the shout and the trumpet sound
In the fourth watch of the night.
Just like Moses and Elijah,
I'll be taking my heavenly flight.

Just like Moses and Elijah
I'm going up someday.
I might rise alive like Elijah did
Or like Moses, be raised from the grave.
I'll hear the shout and the trumpet sound
In the fourth watch of the night.
Just like Moses and Elijah,
I'll be taking my heavenly flight.

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