The Inspirations - I Choose The Lord Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: I Choose The Lord
  • Album: God Makes No Mistakes
  • Artist: The Inspirations
  • Released On: 21 Jun 2011
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
The Inspirations I Choose The Lord

I Choose The Lord Lyrics

Like Daniel let me stand
Like Paul let me pray
Like Jesus let me give my life for you
When the rest have turned and gone
and I'm standing all alone
Lord let the words be what I say to you

I choose to fight
I choose the right
I choose to take a stand
Like those gone on before
No doubt I'll win
Christ will defend
There's no turning back
Until I reach that shore
I choose the Lord

Like a farmer in the field
And a sower sowing seed
My light must shine to those still lost in sin
So I pressed toward the prize
With a glean in my eyes
And this my cry until I reach the end
I reach the end

I choose to fight
I choose the right
I choose to take a stand
Like those gone on before
No doubt I'll win
Christ will defend
There's no turning back
Until I reach that shore
I choose the Lord

I am not ashamed
Of the Christ who died for me
I'll wave his bloodstained banner
Until he calls for me
He calls for me

I choose to fight
I choose the right
I choose to take a stand
Like those gone on before
No doubt I'll win
Christ will defend
There's no turning back
Until I reach that shore
I choose the Lord
I choose the Lord

I Choose The Lord Video

I Choose The Lord Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"I Choose the Lord" by The Inspirations is a powerful gospel song that emphasizes the deliberate choice to follow Christ despite challenges and opposition. The song uses vivid imagery and biblical allusions to convey its message, encouraging listeners to remain steadfast in their faith. It is a declaration of unwavering commitment to God, inspired by the examples of biblical figures who stood firm in their beliefs.

### Meaning of the Song

The overarching theme of "I Choose the Lord" is the conscious decision to follow and serve God, no matter the circumstances. It speaks to the Christian journey, acknowledging that while the path may not always be easy, choosing to align with Christ brings ultimate victory. The song encourages listeners to emulate the faith and determination of biblical heroes and to make a stand for their beliefs.

### Lyrics Breakdown and Analysis

- **Choosing to Stand Like Daniel and Pray Like Paul**: The song begins by referencing Daniel and Paul, two prominent figures in the Bible known for their unwavering faith. Daniel, despite facing the threat of death, chose to pray to God, leading to his miraculous survival in the lion's den (Daniel 6). Paul, on the other hand, is known for his prayers and letters written from prison that are now part of the New Testament. These references underscore the importance of prayer and standing firm in one's faith.

- **Giving Life Like Jesus**: This line reflects the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who gave His life for humanity's salvation (John 3:16). It calls on followers to be willing to make sacrifices for their faith and the well-being of others.

- **The Farmer and the Sower**: This imagery is akin to the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:3-8, where the sower spreads seeds that fall on different types of ground, representing the varied reception of God's word among people. The song encourages believers to be like the sower, spreading the light of Christ to all, regardless of the challenges.

- **Pressing Towards the Prize with a Glean in the Eyes**: This phrase alludes to Philippians 3:14, where Paul speaks about pressing on toward the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. It signifies perseverance and focus on the eternal rewards of faith.

- **Unashamed of Christ**: Echoing Romans 1:16, where Paul declares he is not ashamed of the gospel, the song encourages believers to boldly proclaim their faith in Jesus, confident in the power of the gospel to save.

### Bible Verse References

The song is rich with biblical references and themes that underscore its message:

- **Daniel 6**: Daniel's faithfulness in prayer, despite the decree that made it punishable by death, serves as a testament to standing firm in one's faith.
- **Philippians 3:14**: Paul's focus on the heavenly prize encourages believers to remain steadfast in their journey of faith.
- **John 3:16**: The ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for humanity's salvation is a call for Christians to live selflessly.
- **Matthew 13:3-8**: The Parable of the Sower challenges believers to spread the gospel, understanding that its reception varies among people.
- **Romans 1:16**: Paul's declaration of being unashamed of the gospel encourages believers to boldly proclaim their faith.

"I Choose the Lord" is a powerful anthem of faith, calling believers to a life of dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to God. It reminds listeners of the biblical heroes whose stories inspire continued faithfulness, encouraging a personal and collective choice to follow the Lord, no matter the cost. I Choose The Lord Lyrics -  The Inspirations

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