Stephen Stanley - Note To Self Lyrics


Note To Self Lyrics

I found a photo
Of the younger me
It's funny how smiling
Can hide what's underneath
Sometimes I wish
I could go back and help
So this is what I'd say
In a note to myself

Hey there, lonely boy
Don't you worry about the future
Lord knows you're gonna get there
Just keep taking it day by day
There's gonna be some heart break
You're gonna make some big mistakes
But God's still got you even when it don't feel that way
God's still got you, so you're gonna be okay

Always reaching
Always trying to measure up
Asking the mirror
If I'll ever be enough?
I don't know everything
But I know this much
Love will follow you
If you follow love

When the running makes you weary
Find the strength for one more step
And let it lead you to the next
Try to pray more than you worry
Look for joy in every journey
'Cause I promise you it's worth it

Note To Self Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Note to Self" by Stephen Stanley is a poignant and reflective song that delves into themes of self-compassion, resilience, and the comforting presence of God throughout the trials of life. The song is structured as a letter from the artist to his younger self, offering advice, reassurance, and spiritual guidance that he wishes he could have received during his more formative and challenging years.

The opening verse introduces listeners to the artist looking back on his past, symbolized by a photo of his younger self. The imagery of smiling to hide pain immediately sets a tone of introspection and vulnerability. This verse captures the universal struggle of presenting a facade to the world while dealing with internal battles. It's a powerful reminder that our outer appearances often mask our true feelings and experiences.

As the song progresses, the chorus delivers a powerful message of hope and reassurance. The lines "Lord knows you're gonna get there / Just keep taking it day by day" reflect the Christian belief in God's plan and timing for each individual's life (Jeremiah 29:11). The acknowledgment of future heartbreaks and mistakes, coupled with the assurance that God remains steadfast, is a testament to the Christian understanding of God's unconditional love and forgiveness (Romans 8:38-39).

The second verse touches on themes of self-doubt and the pursuit of acceptance, both from oneself and others. The questions posed to the mirror about worthiness highlight the struggle with self-esteem that many people face. The message that "Love will follow you / If you follow love" suggests that embracing love, particularly God's love, can lead to a sense of belonging and purpose. This aligns with the Christian commandment to love one another as a reflection of God's love for us (John 13:34-35).

The bridge of the song emphasizes perseverance and finding joy in life's journey. The encouragement to "pray more than you worry" and to seek joy in every step echoes the Biblical teachings about the power of prayer (Philippians 4:6-7) and finding contentment in all circumstances (Philippians 4:11-13).

Overall, "Note to Self" by Stephen Stanley is a deeply moving song that weaves together personal reflections with Christian teachings. It offers listeners a message of hope, reminding them that despite the challenges and uncertainties of life, God's love and guidance are constant sources of strength and reassurance. The song serves as a reminder to embrace self-compassion, to trust in God's plan, and to find joy in the journey, regardless of the trials one may face. Note To Self Lyrics -  Stephen Stanley

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