Stephen McWhirter - Grave Clothes Lyrics
- Song Title: Grave Clothes
- Album: Grave Clothes EP
- Artist: Stephen McWhirter
- Released On: 24 Jan 2020
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

You show up, the power of death is broken
Just one touch and I am changed
From your lips my true name You've spoken
You're calling out who I've always been
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on righteousness
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on resurrection
You step in crushing every stronghold
All my sin beneath Your feet
Just one word and You awaken my soul
I trade these rags for who You say I am
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on righteousness
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on resurrection
I'm gonna sing it till I mean it
Till all my doubts have been defeated
I'm gonna sing it till I mean it
You're gonna see this dead man walk
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on righteousness
I'm taking off my grave clothes I'm putting on resurrection