Steph Macleod - Beautiful Morning Lyrics
- Song Title: Beautiful Morning
- Album: Kingdom Come
- Artist: Steph Macleod
- Released On: 26 Aug 2013
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

I was born on a beautiful morning
I gotta say it was a fine fine day
I'm smiling, the sun is shining
Oh my Lord, I've come a long long way
I am reborn
I have been baptized in fire
I trust in Jesus
Now and forever
And with his life he paid
And he rose from the grave
And death became undone
And said the old has gone and the new has come
I was born on a beautiful morning
I gotta say it was a fine fine day
I'm smiling, the sun is shining
Oh my Lord, I've come a long long way
His yoke is easy
And his burden is light
I trust in Jesus
The way, the truth, the life
The way, the truth, the life
And with his life he paid
And he rose from the grave
And death became undone
And said the old has gone and the new has come
I was born on a beautiful morning
I gotta say it was a fine fine day
I'm smiling, the sun is shining
Oh my Lord, I've come a long long way
Oh, I've come a long long way
There's no turning back
Where ever you lead I'll follow
I'm on the righteous path
With every step that I take
The Lord reveals your heavenly kingdom
Take now all I am
Take now all that I am
I was born on a beautiful morning
Gotta say it was a fine fine day