Sovereign Grace Music - Almighty Creator Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Almighty Creator
  • Album: Awesome God
  • Artist: Sovereign Grace Music
  • Released On: 01 Jan 2004
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Sovereign Grace Music Almighty Creator

Almighty Creator Lyrics

Verse 1
Almighty Creator
You spoke and there was light
There was light
And by Your great power
You spoke and there was day
And there was night
And You made all things to
Show Your glory
Formed all things to bring You praise

And You've created me to worship You
And You've created me to love You
And You have made me to delight in You
All glory to Your name!

Verse 2
The mountains, the oceans
All creatures great and small
In the earth
All nations, all peoples
Of all colors came to be
By Your Word
And you shed your blood for
Our salvation
So You could make us anew

Almighty Creator Video

Almighty Creator Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

The song "Almighty Creator" by Sovereign Grace Music is a powerful expression of worship that acknowledges the majesty and sovereignty of God as the Creator of everything. It is a song that invites listeners to reflect on the wonder of creation, the purpose of humanity, and the ultimate act of love demonstrated through Jesus Christ. The song is structured in a way that gradually unfolds the narrative of God's creation, human purpose, and redemption, culminating in a chorus that invites personal and communal worship.

**Verse 1** focuses on the act of creation, highlighting the power and authority of God's word. This verse draws attention to the biblical account of creation found in Genesis 1, where God speaks the world into existence. The mention of light and day and night references Genesis 1:3-5, emphasizing the order and intentionality behind creation. The verse concludes with a declaration of the purpose of creation - to show God's glory and to bring Him praise. This idea resonates with Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

**Chorus** shifts the focus from God's creative work to the response it elicits from humanity. The lyrics express a personal and collective calling to worship, love, and delight in God. This echoes the Westminster Shorter Catechism's first question, "What is the chief end of man?" with its answer, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." This chorus encapsulates the idea that humanity was created not just to observe God's creation but to actively participate in a relationship with the Creator.

**Verse 2** expands the narrative to include the diversity of creation and the inclusivity of God's love. Mentioning mountains, oceans, creatures, nations, and peoples, it celebrates the vastness and variety of God's creation, as seen in Psalm 8:3-9. However, it also touches on the theme of salvation, hinting at the fall of humanity and the need for redemption. The reference to bloodshed for salvation directly points to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for humanity's sins, as described in Romans 5:8-9. This verse bridges the gap between creation and redemption, highlighting God's plan for salvation from the beginning.

In summary, "Almighty Creator" by Sovereign Grace Music is a rich tapestry of biblical themes woven together to celebrate God's power, creativity, and love. It invites listeners to marvel at the wonder of creation, recognize their purpose to worship and love God, and embrace the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Through its lyrics, the song encourages a deep, personal reflection on one's relationship with the Creator and a joyful response of worship. Almighty Creator Lyrics -  Sovereign Grace Music

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