Sandi Patty - Imagine (How God Can Sing) Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Imagine (How God Can Sing)
  • Album: Find It On the Wings
  • Artist: Sandi Patty
  • Released On: 25 Oct 1995
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Sandi Patty Imagine (How God Can Sing)

Imagine (How God Can Sing) Lyrics

Imagine how God can sing
How His voice delights the universe
With a range that blends eternally
Into chords of His love

Imagine how God can dance
Moving gracefully up to our hearts
To invite us to be intimate
And share in His joy

Then imagine how God must feel
If we move back away from Him
To design our own destinies
Shaping lives of desiring and fear

Then imagine God's happiness
When a wanderer cries out to Him
For the peace that only He can give
For the strength He grants to truly live
And when the choice is made to look to Him
And finally draw near

Imagine (How God Can Sing) Video

Imagine (How God Can Sing) Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Imagine (How God Can Sing)" by Sandi Patty is a beautiful song that explores the majesty and intimacy of God's love for us, through the metaphorical lens of God's ability to sing and dance. This song invites listeners to imagine the unimaginable—the infinite capabilities of God expressed in human terms, such as singing and dancing, to convey the depth of His relationship with us. Through its lyrics, the song weaves a narrative of divine love, invitation, and the transformative power of drawing near to God.

### Verse 1: The Majesty of God's Voice

The song begins by asking listeners to imagine how God can sing, suggesting that His voice encompasses the entirety of creation, delighting the universe with chords of His love. This imagery evokes Psalm 19:1-4, where the heavens declare the glory of God, and their expanse proclaims the work of His hands, illustrating how God's voice, through creation, sings a melody of love and glory.

### Chorus: The Invitation to Intimacy

The chorus transitions into imagining God dancing, moving gracefully up to our hearts, extending an invitation to intimacy. This dance is a metaphor for God's desire for a personal relationship with each of us, reminiscent of Zephaniah 3:17, where God rejoices over us with gladness and exults over us with loud singing. It reflects the joy and celebration that comes from being in communion with the divine.

### Verse 2: The Reality of Human Disengagement

The song then acknowledges the human tendency to move away from God, to pursue our own paths and desires, often led by fear. This verse reflects the biblical truth of human sin and rebellion, as seen in Isaiah 53:6, where we, like sheep, have gone astray, each turning to our own way. It captures the sadness and consequences of distancing ourselves from God's perfect plan.

### Bridge: The Turning Point

The bridge of the song marks a turning point, imagining God's happiness when a wanderer seeks Him out, desiring the peace and strength that only God can provide. This echoes the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:20-24, highlighting God's boundless mercy and joy when a lost soul decides to return to Him. It's a powerful message of redemption and the transformative impact of choosing to draw near to God.

### Conclusion: Drawing Near to God

In its conclusion, the song emphasizes the beauty and joy of choosing to draw near to God, to live in His presence. James 4:8, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you," encapsulates this message beautifully. It's a call to intimate relationship, to experience the fullness of life that comes from knowing and being known by God.

"Imagine (How God Can Sing)" by Sandi Patty is more than a song; it's a spiritual journey that encourages listeners to contemplate the unimaginable aspects of God's nature and love. Through its poetic lyrics and biblical references, it invites us to deepen our relationship with the Creator, to experience His joy, and to live fully in the light of His love. Imagine (How God Can Sing) Lyrics -  Sandi Patty

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