New Life Worship - Everyone (Praises) Lyrics + Chords

Everyone (Praises) Lyrics

Great in splendor, Lord of everything
Worthy is Your name
Never-changing, Ever-reigning King
Worthy is Your name
All creation rises up To declare Your wonders
As people everywhere sing

Praises To the One Who saves us
Through His blood He gave us life And now we come
Everyone (repeat)

More than able Always faithful Friend
Worthy is Your name
Bright and burning You're returning again
Worthy is Your name
All creation rises up To declare Your wonders
As people everywhere sing


Everyone (Praises) Video

Everyone (Praises) Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Everyone (Praises)" by New Life Worship is a contemporary Christian worship song that exudes a profound sense of adoration and reverence towards God. It's a musical composition that not only encourages but commands the collective praise of all creation to the Creator. Through its lyrics, the song encapsulates the essence of worship as an inclusive, communal, and universal act, underscored by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

### Opening Verses:

The song begins with an acknowledgment of God's grandeur and sovereignty. The lines "Great in splendor, Lord of everything" and "Never-changing, Ever-reigning King" speak volumes of God's majestic and eternal nature. This echoes the sentiments found in Psalm 145:13: "Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations." The opening verses set the stage for the worshiper to recognize the worthiness of God's name, encouraging a posture of humility and reverence.

### Chorus:

The chorus of "Everyone (Praises)" shifts towards a communal call to worship, emphasizing the universal aspect of praise. It resonates with the scriptural truth that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was for all humanity, enabling everyone who believes to experience salvation and life. This is beautifully encapsulated in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The repetition of the word "everyone" underscores the inclusivity of God's invitation to salvation and the collective response of praise that should follow.

### Second Verse:

The second verse highlights God's nature as a faithful friend and a returning king, echoing the promises found in Scripture. The description of God as "more than able, always faithful" brings to mind 2 Timothy 2:13, "if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself." Additionally, the mention of God's return refers to the awaited Second Coming of Christ, a pivotal hope for all believers, as described in Revelation 22:12, "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done."

### Bridge:

The bridge, with its repeated exclamations of "Hallelujah," serves as a moment of pure adoration and worship. The term "Hallelujah" is a Hebrew word meaning "Praise the Lord," and its use here ties back to the ancient roots of worship found in the Psalms. For instance, Psalm 150:1-2 calls upon everything that has breath to praise the Lord, highlighting the song's theme of universal praise.

### Conclusion:

"Everyone (Praises)" by New Life Worship is a powerful reminder of the collective calling to worship God for His unmatched greatness, faithfulness, and the redemption offered through Jesus Christ. It encourages believers to join in a universal chorus of praise, recognizing that worship is not an isolated act but a communal response to God's glory. Through its lyrics and the biblical truths it reflects, the song invites all creation to acknowledge and celebrate the splendor and majesty of God. Everyone (Praises) Lyrics -  New Life Worship

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