Michael Card - Lullaby for Jesus Lyrics
- Song Title: Lullaby for Jesus
- Album: Come to the Cradle
- Artist: Michael Card
- Released On: 01 Jan 1993
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Baby Jesus, please don t cry
Now let me wipe the tears from your eyes
You cry as though your heart would break
Please don't spend your first night awake
Shepherds while you mean no harm
They long to hold you in their arms
To cradle as they might their lambs
But you re too small to understand
Cattle lowing long to sing
A lullaby to sooth their king
A cry so full of pain and fright
That pierces through the lonely night
Baby Jesus, please don't cry
Now let me wipe the tears from your eyes
Baby Jesus, please don't weep
For it s time, that time for you to sleep
Baby sleeping in the hay
The Son of God who s come to save
Light the only way that's true
Who dies upon a cross for you
Baby Jesus, please don t weep
It's night and time for You to sleep
The stars that shine don t match the glow
With all the ones through come to know