Martin Smith - Shout to the North Lyrics

Shout to the North Lyrics

Men of faith rise up and sing
Of the great and glorious king
You are strong when you feel weak
In your brokenness complete

Shout to the north and the south
Sing to the east and the west
Jesus is saviour to all
Lord of heaven and earth

Rise up women of the truth
Stand and sing to broken hearts
Who can know the healing power
Of our awesome king of love

We've been through fire.
We've been through rain
We've been refined by the
power of his name
We've fallen deeper in love with you
You've burned the truth on our lips

Rise up church with broken wings
Fill this place with songs again
Of our God who regins on high
By his grace again we'll fly.

Shout to the North Video

Shout to the North Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Shout to the North: A Song of Faith and Worship

This song, originally recorded by Delirious? in the mid-1990s, has become a beloved anthem in many churches around the world. We will discuss the main key messages of the song, its meaning and inspiration, and critically analyze its biblical foundation.

Key Messages of the Song:
"Shout to the North" is a song that encourages believers to rise up in faith and worship the great and glorious King, Jesus Christ. The lyrics emphasize the strength and completeness found in Christ, even in times of weakness and brokenness. Let us now delve into the main key messages of the song chronologically, line by line.

1. "Men of faith rise up and sing, of the great and glorious King, you are strong when you feel weak, in your brokenness complete."
The opening lines of the song call men of faith to rise up and worship, acknowledging Jesus as the great and glorious King. It highlights the paradoxical strength found in Christ, even in moments of personal weakness. The message reminds believers that in their brokenness, they can find completeness through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.

2. "Shout to the north and the south, sing to the east and the west, Jesus is savior to all, Lord of heaven and earth."
These lines emphasize the universal nature of Jesus Christ's salvation. The call to shout and sing to all directions signifies a proclamation of the gospel to the entire world. It reminds believers that Jesus is not just a savior for a select few, but the Lord of heaven and earth who offers salvation to all who believe in Him.

3. "Rise up women of the truth, stand and sing to broken hearts, who can know the healing power of our awesome King of love."
The song then calls women of faith to rise up and sing, specifically addressing them as "women of the truth." This line highlights the importance of women in worship and their role in ministering to broken hearts. It acknowledges the healing power of Jesus, described as the "awesome King of love," and encourages believers to share this message of hope and restoration.

4. "We've been through fire, we've been through rain, we've been refined by the power of his name, we've fallen deeper in love with you, you've burned the truth on our lips."
These lines depict the trials and challenges believers may face in their faith journey. The imagery of fire and rain symbolizes refining and purification through hardships. The lyrics acknowledge that these experiences deepen believers' love for Jesus and result in a profound understanding of His truth. It reflects the transformative power of Christ's name and highlights the importance of testifying to His truth.

The Meaning and Inspiration:
"Shout to the North" is a song that stirs up faith and encourages believers to worship God in all circumstances. It reminds us that our strength comes from God, even in times of weakness and brokenness. The song inspires us to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth and minister to those who are hurting. It acknowledges the refining process believers go through and the deep love that grows as a result. The lyrics express a heartfelt desire to lift high the name of Jesus and share His love with others.

As for the specific inspiration or song story behind "Shout to the North," it is difficult to pinpoint an exact account. However, the song's message aligns with biblical truths and themes found throughout Scripture. Let us now critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song.

Biblical Analysis:
The lyrics of "Shout to the North" align with various biblical principles and teachings. Here are a few key aspects that reflect its biblical foundation:

1. Worshiping the Great and Glorious King:
The song emphasizes the worship of Jesus as the great and glorious King. This resonates with biblical passages such as Psalm 145:1-3, which encourages believers to praise and exalt the name of the Lord. It also aligns with the vision of worship depicted in Revelation 5:12-14, where every creature in heaven and on earth worships the Lamb who is worthy.

2. Finding Strength in Weakness:
The song acknowledges the strength found in Christ, even in moments of personal weakness. This echoes the apostle Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, where he declares that God's power is made perfect in weakness. It also aligns with Isaiah 40:29, which assures believers that God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

3. Proclaiming the Gospel to All:
The call to shout to the north, south, east, and west reflects the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20. Believers are called to make disciples of all nations, sharing the good news of Jesus' salvation to the ends of the earth. The song's emphasis on Jesus as the savior of all aligns with passages like Acts 4:12, which proclaims that there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.

4. Testifying to God's Healing Power:
The lyrics acknowledge the healing power of Jesus and encourage believers to share this message with broken hearts. This aligns with the mission and ministry of Jesus, as described in Luke 4:18-19, where He declares that He has come to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. It also resonates with James 5:16, which encourages believers to pray for one another that they may be healed.

"Shout to the North" by Martin Smith is a powerful worship song that calls believers to rise up in faith and worship the great and glorious King, Jesus Christ. Its lyrics convey messages of strength in weakness, universal salvation through Jesus, and the importance of testifying to God's love and healing power. The song's biblical foundation aligns with various passages that emphasize worship, proclaiming the gospel, and the transformative power of Jesus. As believers sing and proclaim these truths, they are encouraged to live out their faith and share the love of Christ with the world.

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