Here in the pages of God's holy word so many wonderful stories are heard. Stories of miracles Jesus had done. Of the disciples, especially one.
Thomas walked daily by our Saviors side, witnessing miracles time after time. Yet in his heart he thought "How can this be?" "This man was blind but now somehow, he sees."
Many the tears that poor Thomas had cried. For none were more saddened when Jesus had died. Then three days later still burdened with grief, Jesus asked Thomas of his unbelief.
Thomas, oh Thomas, oh why do you doubt? What is so hard that you can't figure out? For I died on that cross and was laid in the tomb. Then three days later the stone door was moved and I stepped outside into the morning light. Thomas, oh why do you doubt?
One simple truth that I cannot ignore. Of all the disciples who walked with the Lord, I like to think that my own faith has grown. But the faith of old Thomas is more like my own.