Mali Music - Broken Spirit Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Broken Spirit
  • Album: The 2econd Coming
  • Artist: Mali Music
  • Released On: 20 Oct 2009
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Mali Music Broken Spirit

Broken Spirit Lyrics

I'm grateful, so grateful for all the Lord has done in my life.
For seeing me faithful for changing my heart and making everything right.

His mercy and power, His name is worthy of my praise.
Knowing this I still cant understand why I still go astray.

Maybe I'm not in my Word enough, maybe I just need to pray.
Preaching and teaching I've heard enough; just need to change my ways.

Lord its not that I don't hurt enough, cause Lord God it breaks me down.
All that I have left to offer up are the tears streaming down and a broken spirit

Broken spirit, contrite heart

2nd Verse:
Can I ask a question: is this how it's supposed to be?
My makeup and nature automatically separates You from me.

I refuse to go a single day without You in my life.
I promise; I mean it but I still feel full of everything that ain't right.



There is a war going on in my members.
I was baptized in the fire was delivered.
Lord do it again, baptize me again.
Oh Lord touch it again; because I know what You can do with a broken spirit.

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