Josh Garrels - Evangeline Lyrics

Evangeline Lyrics


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Evangeline Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Evangeline by Josh Garrels: A Deep Dive into its Meaning and Biblical Analysis


Released in 2015 as part of his album "Home," this song captures the essence of faith, hope, and redemption. Through a chronological analysis of the lyrics, we will uncover the main key messages and delve into the deep meaning behind the song. Additionally, we will critically analyze whether the song aligns with Biblical principles, using relevant scriptural references to support our arguments.

Verse 1: A Story of Redemption

The song begins with the lyrics, "I was born by the river, in a little tent." These opening lines evoke imagery of humble beginnings, reminiscent of the story of Moses being placed in a basket by the river. It sets the stage for a narrative of redemption and transformation. The protagonist, Evangeline, represents all humanity in need of salvation.

As the song continues, Garrels sings, "And just like that river, I've been running ever since." This line suggests a sense of restlessness and a search for something greater. It reflects the universal longing for purpose and fulfillment that often drives individuals to seek God.

Chorus: Finding Hope and Salvation

The chorus of "Evangeline" is a powerful proclamation of hope and salvation. Garrels sings, "I will find my way, I will find my way home." This line encapsulates the central message of the song – the journey towards finding one's true home in God. It resonates with the biblical theme of the prodigal son's return to his father's house (Luke 15:11-32), highlighting the Father's unwavering love and the invitation for all to come back to Him.

Verse 2: The Struggles of Life

In the second verse, Garrels explores the struggles and hardships encountered on the journey of faith. He sings, "I've been lost in the cities, like a drunk in a crowd." This line reminds us of the distractions and temptations that can lead us astray from our true purpose. It resonates with the biblical warnings against conforming to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2) and emphasizes the importance of staying focused on our spiritual journey.

Garrels further laments, "I'm a stranger to kindness, in a strange town." This line reflects the brokenness and alienation that many individuals experience in the world. It echoes the biblical teachings on the fallen nature of humanity and the need for God's grace to restore and transform us (Ephesians 2:1-10).

Bridge: A Cry for Deliverance

The bridge of the song serves as a heartfelt plea for deliverance and restoration. Garrels sings, "Oh, lift your eyes, lift your eyes to the hills, cause where does your help come from?" These lines draw inspiration from Psalm 121:1-2, which declares, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

This bridge reminds us to turn our gaze towards God in times of trouble and to trust in His faithfulness. It echoes the biblical exhortation to seek God's help and find refuge in Him (Psalm 46:1, Psalm 61:2).

Verse 3: Finding Peace and Contentment

The final verse of "Evangeline" brings a sense of resolution and peace. Garrels sings, "I've been a slave to the highway, like a king in my mind." These lines reflect the paradoxical nature of the human condition – the constant pursuit of freedom and significance often leads to bondage and dissatisfaction. It echoes the biblical teachings on finding true freedom and contentment in surrendering to Christ (Matthew 16:24-26).

The verse concludes with the lines, "And I hear my savior calling, 'come home, come home.'" This proclamation echoes the invitation of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30, where He says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." It encapsulates the ultimate longing of every soul – to find rest, peace, and eternal home in the loving arms of God.

Biblical Analysis:

Now let's critically analyze the song "Evangeline" in light of biblical principles. Overall, the song beautifully captures the themes of redemption, faith, and restoration found throughout the Bible. It reminds us of our innate longing for God and the journey we embark on to find our true home in Him.

The song aligns with biblical teachings on the fallen nature of humanity, the need for salvation, and the transformative power of God's love and grace. It echoes the biblical invitations to turn to God in times of trouble and find rest in Him.

The use of biblical references in the song, such as the story of Moses and the prodigal son, adds depth and richness to the lyrics. These references help connect the narrative of "Evangeline" to the larger biblical narrative of God's redemption plan for humanity.


In conclusion, "Evangeline" by Josh Garrels is a deeply meaningful and poetic song that explores themes of redemption, faith, and finding one's true home in God. Through its powerful lyrics and melodic composition, it invites listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey and the longing for peace and contentment that can only be found in God.

The song aligns with biblical principles and echoes the teachings of Scripture on the fallen nature of humanity, the need for salvation, and the transformative power of God's love and grace. It serves as a beautiful reminder of the invitation to come home to God and find rest in His loving embrace.

As we immerse ourselves in the lyrics of "Evangeline," may we be inspired to deepen our relationship with God and embark on our own journey towards finding our true home in Him.

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