Jonathan Helser - God Is Love Lyrics

God Is Love Lyrics

I will dance on the chains of my circumstance
Walk on the waves of the storm

Nothing is impossible for those who believe
God is love

God is love, God is love
I wont be afraid
God is love, God is love
Nothing is impossible

I will live out the dreams you placed in me
Shout down the walls of fear

I can scale a wall, I can move a mountain
I can slay the giant with you on my side
I can raise the dead, I can free the nations
I can fly

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God Is Love Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"God Is Love" by Jonathan Helser encapsulates a profound and uplifting message of faith, hope, and the boundless love of God. Through its poignant lyrics and stirring melody, the song invites listeners into a deeper understanding of God's nature and His unending love for humanity. Let's delve into the song's meaning, analyze its lyrics, and explore the biblical references that underpin its message.

### Verse 1: Walking on Stormy Seas

The song opens with powerful imagery of overcoming adversity through faith: "I will dance on the chains of my circumstance / Walk on the waves of the storm." This verse echoes the biblical account of Peter walking on water towards Jesus amidst a storm, as found in Matthew 14:29. Like Peter, the lyric suggests that with faith, one can rise above any situation, no matter how impossible it may seem.

### Chorus: The Central Message of Love

The chorus, "God is love, God is love / I won't be afraid," reinforces the central theme of the song—God's nature as love itself (1 John 4:8). It's a declaration of trust and fearlessness, grounded in the understanding that God's perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18). The repetition of "God is love" serves as a mantra, reminding listeners of this fundamental truth.

### Verse 2: Realizing Dreams and Overcoming Fears

The second verse, "I will live out the dreams you placed in me / Shout down the walls of fear," speaks to the empowerment that comes from embracing God's love. It alludes to the biblical story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho in Joshua 6, where the walls of the city fell after the Israelites obeyed God's command to march around them and shout. This metaphor signifies the believer's ability to overcome obstacles and fears through faith and obedience to God.

### Bridge: A Declaration of Faith and Power

The bridge, with lines like "I can scale a wall, I can move a mountain," is a bold declaration of faith's power to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. It reflects the sentiment of Matthew 17:20, where Jesus tells His disciples that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. The bridge emphasizes that, with God, nothing is impossible, and even the most extraordinary feats can be achieved.

### Conclusion

"God Is Love" by Jonathan Helser is a powerful reminder of the omnipotent love of God and the remarkable things that can be accomplished when one places their trust in Him. It encourages listeners to embrace faith, overcome fears, and live out their God-given dreams. The song is a mosaic of biblical truths, reminding us of the stories of Peter, Joshua, and the teaching of Jesus about faith. It encapsulates the essence of God's love as a force that empowers, liberates, and drives out fear, inviting believers to live in the fullness of that love.

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