Jason Gray - Grace Lyrics
- Song Title: Grace
- Album: All the Lovely Losers
- Artist: Jason Gray
- Released On: 06 Mar 2007
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Sweet Grace amazes me
The way that she can see
Beyond the man I am
To the man that I could be
She's bringing out my best
While she covers all the rest
Some say her love is blind
But I say her love forgets
She don't like it when I try so hard to impress her
'Cause when I do that, it's a lie that makes her love look the lesser
The truth is I know
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough
I'll never deserve her love
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough for Grace
That's okay, 'Cause she takes me anyway
I am the cheatin' kind
But she's changing my mind
The way she takes me back
Though I fail her every time
She's got friends who tell her that she
Is much too good for me
Well, I've told her that myself
But she refuses to leave
I'd like to think my strength won her affection
But the truth is it was my weakness that first caught her attention
I'm grateful to know
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough
I'll never deserve her love
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough for Grace
That's okay, 'Cause she takes me anyway
When my tears fall down like rain
She wipes them from my face
She tells me that I'm lovely
And if I am, it's all because of Grace
This love turns my inside out
And my world upside down
Grace is changing me?
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough
I'll never deserve her love
I'll never be, I'll never be good enough for Grace
That's okay, 'Cause she takes me anyway