James Fortune - It Will All Work Out Reprise Lyrics

It Will All Work Out Reprise Lyrics

It will work out for your good

I know it will
I know, it will work out
I know it will
I know, it will work out
I know it will
I know, it will work out
I know it will
I know, it will work out
I know it will
I know, it will work out
I know it will
I know, it will work out

It will work out
It will work out
It will work out
It will work out
It will work out
It will work out

It Will All Work Out Reprise Video

It Will All Work Out Reprise Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

It Will All Work Out Reprise by James Fortune: A Message of Hope and Trust in God's Plan


"It Will All Work Out Reprise" is a powerful Christian song by James Fortune that carries a message of hope, trust, and faith in God's plan. This song has touched the hearts of many believers and has become an anthem of encouragement in times of trials and uncertainties.

Verse 1:

The song begins with the lines, "It will work out for your good, I know it will, I know, it will work out." These words set the tone for the entire song, emphasizing the assurance that no matter what we may be facing, God has a plan and purpose for our lives. The repetition of the phrase "I know it will" reinforces the singer's unwavering faith in God's faithfulness and ability to turn any situation around for our good.

Verse 2:

As the song progresses, the lyrics state, "Even when you can't see it, know that He's working behind the scenes." This line reminds us that even when we cannot understand or comprehend the circumstances we find ourselves in, God is still at work. It encourages us to trust in His timing and sovereignty, knowing that He is orchestrating everything for our benefit.


The chorus of the song repeats the phrase, "It will work out, it will work out," emphasizing the certainty of God's plan unfolding in our lives. It serves as a reminder to hold on to hope and continue to believe, even in the midst of challenges and hardships. The repetition of this line reinforces the message and allows the listener to internalize the message of hope and trust in God's plan.


The bridge of the song declares, "It will all work out, just hold on." This line serves as a rallying cry for believers to persevere and endure through difficult times. It acknowledges that the journey may be tough, but encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that God is with us and will bring us through.

Meaning of the Song:

"It Will All Work Out Reprise" carries a profound message of hope, trust, and faith in God's plan. It reminds us that no matter what we may be facing, God is in control and working everything together for our good. It encourages us to hold on to hope, even when circumstances seem bleak, and trust that God's timing and purposes are perfect.

The inspiration or story behind the song:

While there isn't specific information available about the inspiration or story behind "It Will All Work Out Reprise," the lyrics themselves speak to the universal experiences of trials and tribulations that believers face. The song serves as a reminder that no matter what we may be going through, God is faithful, and His plans are ultimately for our benefit.

Biblical Alignment and Analysis:

To critically analyze the biblical alignment of the song, we can look at several key scriptures that support its central message. One such verse is Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse directly reflects the song's theme, emphasizing that God works all things, even the difficult and challenging ones, for our good.

Another scripture that aligns with the song is Jeremiah 29:11, which states, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This verse assures believers that God has a purpose and plan for their lives, instilling hope and trust in His faithfulness.

Additionally, Psalm 46:10 encourages us to "Be still, and know that I am God." This verse reminds us to trust in God's sovereignty and rest in His promises, even when we cannot see the way forward.

In light of these biblical references, it is evident that "It Will All Work Out Reprise" aligns with the message of hope, trust, and faith in God's plan that is found throughout the Bible. It encourages believers to hold on to the promises of God and trust that He is working all things together for their good.


"It Will All Work Out Reprise" by James Fortune is a powerful Christian song that carries a message of hope, trust, and faith in God's plan. Its lyrics chronologically convey the assurance that God is working behind the scenes, even when we cannot see it. The song reminds us to hold on to hope, trust in God's timing, and believe that He will work everything out for our good. Through its biblical alignment and uplifting message, this song has become an anthem of encouragement for believers facing trials and uncertainties.

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