Helen Baylor - Already Motivated Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Already Motivated
  • Album: Start All Over
  • Artist: Helen Baylor
  • Released On: 14 Sep 1993
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Helen Baylor Already Motivated

Already Motivated Lyrics

Sometimes you think about, "what am I here to do?"
People all around you won't let you be you
Now you're uncomfortable, being uncomfortable
You're just about ready to flap your wings and flew, oh

Don't wait for anybody else to give you an "A-Okay", ah
Stir up the gift that's in you, just do it your way
Don't let nobody tell you what you cannot do
This is your decade, there's greatness in you

You gotta be already motivated
Mmm, already motivated
Already motivated, mmm-mmm...
Already motivated
Already motivated
Already motivated, yeah

Ha, ha, ha, ha!
I don't know about you
But I gotta do what I gotta do!

Get those toxic people, got to get them out of your life
Get on with your future, you don't have time to strife
Say yes, there's power in your altitude
Your motor is running, you course is up to you

There's something in me that won't let me sit down
I got to get up and put my feet flat on the ground
I just do all that's in my heart to do
I made my decision, to my own self I'm true

I'm already motivated, motivated
Motivated, motivated
Already motivated

Already motivated
I'm already motivated
Already motivated, yeah
Hey, I'm already motivated

Yes, I am
I'm already motivated
Yeah, mmm...

I don't need nobody to pump me up
I encourage myself and that's enough
You see I'm already motivated
I'm already motivated
(Motivated, motivated)

I don't need nobody to give me an "A-Okay"
Get up, get in or get out of my way
You see, I'm already motivated, whoo!

I'm already motivated
No, no, ha, ha, whoo!
Yes, I am
I'm already, already, already
I'm already motivated
Yes, I am...

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