Gungor - Higher Lyrics

Higher Lyrics

There is no one there is no one like You
no one like you
in heaven or on earth

only good things can ever come from you
even your judgment
is righteous and true

Your Name is sweeter than the rain that falls upon
the face of dry and weary land
and causes us to turn our face again
Your Name be praised
and be lifted higher

There is no one...

With every morning there are mercies new
Your kindness
brings us back to you

Your name is stronger than the pain
it's covering the shame of all these weary hands
and causing us to turn our face again
Your Name be praised

Higher Video

Higher Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Higher: A Song of Worship and Praise


"Higher" is a powerful song that exalts the name of God and expresses the desire to worship Him with all our hearts. Throughout the song, Gungor takes us on a journey of praise and adoration, reminding us of the greatness and goodness of our heavenly Father.

I. The Opening Lines: Setting the Tone

The song begins with the lines, "There is no one, there is no one like You, no one like You, in heaven or on earth." These words immediately capture our attention and set the tone for the rest of the song. Gungor emphasizes the uniqueness and incomparable nature of God, highlighting His supremacy and sovereignty over all creation.

The repetition of the phrase "no one like You" reinforces the idea that God is unparalleled in His greatness and power. This proclamation echoes the words of Isaiah 46:9, where God declares, "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me." This biblical reference strengthens the song's message and aligns it with the teachings of Scripture.

II. Recognizing God's Goodness

The next lines of the song affirm the goodness of God, stating, "Only good things can ever come from You, even your judgment is righteous and true." Here, Gungor acknowledges that everything that comes from God is good, even His judgment. This line reflects the biblical truth found in James 1:17, which tells us that "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights."

By acknowledging God's righteousness and truthfulness, Gungor encourages us to trust in His plans and purposes, even when we may not fully understand them. This message aligns with the teachings of Psalm 145:17, which proclaims, "The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does."

III. The Sweetness of God's Name

As the song progresses, Gungor introduces the idea that God's name is sweeter than the rain that falls upon the face of a dry and weary land. This imagery paints a picture of God's refreshing and life-giving presence, which brings restoration and renewal to those who seek Him. The lines, "Your Name is sweeter than the rain...and causes us to turn our face again," convey the idea that encountering God's name leads us to worship and seek Him with a renewed passion.

This concept of finding refreshing and renewal in God's name is echoed in Psalm 23:3, which says, "He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake." Gungor's incorporation of this biblical truth deepens the meaning of the song and reinforces its message of worship and adoration.

IV. Praising God for His Mercies

Gungor reminds us of God's mercies and kindness in the following lines, "With every morning there are mercies new, Your kindness brings us back to you." This acknowledgment of God's faithfulness and compassion reflects the biblical truth found in Lamentations 3:22-23, which says, "Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

The recognition of God's daily mercies serves as a reminder that His love and grace are constantly available to us. It encourages us to approach Him with gratitude and worship, knowing that He is always ready to receive us with open arms.

V. The Power of God's Name

The song concludes with a powerful declaration of the strength and significance of God's name. The lines, "Your name is stronger than the pain, it's covering the shame of all these weary hands," convey the idea that God's name has the power to overcome any pain or shame we may experience. It reminds us that in His presence, we find healing, restoration, and hope.

This message aligns with the teachings of Isaiah 53:5, which prophesies about the coming Messiah, saying, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed." Gungor's incorporation of this biblical truth adds depth and authenticity to the song's message.


In the song "Higher," Gungor leads us on a journey of worship and adoration, exalting the name of God and recognizing His uniqueness, goodness, and mercy. The song's lyrics are rooted in biblical truths, drawing from various Scriptures to reinforce its message. Through their music, Gungor encourages us to turn our hearts towards God, finding hope, healing, and renewal in His presence.

The inspiration and story behind the song "Higher" are not explicitly provided by Gungor. However, it is evident that the lyrics were crafted with a deep desire to exalt and honor God, drawing from the rich well of biblical truths and teachings.

In conclusion, "Higher" is a beautiful and biblically grounded song that invites us to worship and praise God with all our hearts. Its messages of God's uniqueness, goodness, and power resonate deeply with believers and serve as a reminder of the eternal truth found in Scripture. As we listen to this song, may it inspire us to seek a deeper connection with our heavenly Father and worship Him in spirit and truth.

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