Gaither Vocal Band - Revive Us Again Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Revive Us Again
  • Album: Good Things Take Time
  • Artist: Gaither Vocal Band
  • Released On: 19 Jul 2019
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Gaither Vocal Band Revive Us Again

Revive Us Again Lyrics

Verse 1
We praise Thee O God
For the Son of Thy love
For Jesus who have died
And now is gone above
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Halleluiah, Amen
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Revive us again

Verse 2
We praise Thee, O God!
For the Spirit of Light
Who has shown us our Saviour
And scattered our night
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Halleluiah, Amen
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Revive us again

Verse 3
O, Glory and Praise
To the Lamb that was slain
Who have born all our sin and has cleansed every stain
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Halleluiah, Amen
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Revive us again
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Halleluiah, Amen
Halleluiah, Thine the Glory
Revive us again
Revive us again

Revive Us Again Video

Revive Us Again Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Revive Us Again: An Anthem of Praise and Renewal

Revive Us Again is a powerful hymn written by William P. MacKay with music composed by John J. Husband. This timeless hymn has been performed by various artists and has become a beloved anthem of praise and renewal.

Key Messages of the Song:
Revive Us Again is a hymn that celebrates the triune God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the song, the main key messages can be summarized as follows:

1. Praise for Jesus' Sacrifice:
The opening lines of the song express praise and gratitude to God for the Son of His love, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. It acknowledges the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross and the salvation He offers to all who believe in Him. The lines "For Jesus who has died, And now is gone above" emphasize His resurrection and ascension, highlighting the victory over sin and death.

2. God's Glory and the Spirit's Light:
The second verse shifts the focus to the Holy Spirit, praising God for the Spirit of Light. It acknowledges the Spirit's role in revealing Jesus to us and dispelling the darkness in our lives. The lines "Who has shown us our Savior, And scattered our night" reflect the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, illuminating our hearts and guiding us towards the truth.

3. Worship and Cleansing:
The third verse amplifies the praise to God, glorifying the Lamb who was slain. It recognizes Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb who bore our sins and cleansed us from all unrighteousness. The lines "Who have borne all our sin and has cleansed every stain" remind us of the forgiveness and restoration we receive through Christ's atoning sacrifice.

4. Prayer for Revival:
The recurring chorus of "Hallelujah, Thine the Glory, Hallelujah, Amen" serves as a heartfelt prayer for revival. It acknowledges God as the source of all glory and power, and it exalts Him with joyful praise. The repetition of the chorus throughout the song emphasizes the longing for spiritual renewal and restoration in the hearts of believers.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song Revive Us Again holds deep meaning and serves as an inspiration for believers. It reminds us of the continuous need for revival and renewal in our spiritual lives. The lyrics express a desire for God's presence and power to revive and awaken our hearts, bringing us closer to Him.

The inspiration behind the song could be traced back to the Second Great Awakening, a period of intense spiritual revival in the early 19th century. During this time, there was a widespread hunger for spiritual renewal and a longing for God's intervention. Revive Us Again captures the essence of this longing and serves as a timeless prayer for revival that resonates with believers across generations.

Critical Analysis:
To critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song, it is essential to examine the lyrics in light of the Scriptures. The main themes of praise, gratitude, salvation, and revival align with biblical teachings. Let's explore some biblical references that support the message of Revive Us Again:

1. Praise for Jesus' Sacrifice:
The song acknowledges Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross, which is central to Christian faith. The Bible affirms this truth in passages such as Romans 5:8, which states, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." The resurrection and ascension of Jesus are also biblical events that testify to His victory over sin and the assurance of eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Acts 1:9).

2. God's Glory and the Spirit's Light:
The Holy Spirit's role in revealing Jesus and bringing light into our lives is supported by various biblical passages. Jesus Himself refers to the Holy Spirit as the Helper who will guide believers into all truth (John 16:13). Additionally, the apostle Paul writes, "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6).

3. Worship and Cleansing:
The concept of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb who cleanses us from sin aligns with the biblical understanding of salvation. The apostle John writes, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). The imagery of the Lamb is also found in the book of Revelation, where Jesus is described as the Lamb who was slain and who reigns forever (Revelation 5:6, 22:3).

4. Prayer for Revival:
The longing for revival and spiritual renewal expressed in Revive Us Again reflects biblical principles. The Bible encourages believers to seek God's face, repent, and turn back to Him for spiritual awakening. The prophet Joel calls for heartfelt repentance, saying, "Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love" (Joel 2:13). Similarly, the apostle James exhorts believers to draw near to God, and He will draw near to them (James 4:8).

In conclusion, Revive Us Again is a hymn that encapsulates the core teachings of Christianity and serves as a prayer for revival. Its main key messages of praise, gratitude, salvation, and longing for spiritual renewal align with biblical principles. The song's meaning and inspiration can be traced back to the deep spiritual hunger experienced during the Second Great Awakening. As believers, we can find solace and encouragement in the timeless lyrics of Revive Us Again, as it reminds us of our continuous need for God's presence and power to revive our hearts and bring us closer to Him.

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