I have a miracle working God
I have a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega
we serve a miracle working God
We serve a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega
We serve a miracle working God
He made the blind to see
He made the lame to walk
He made the the dump to talk
I have a miracle working God
I have a miracle working God
He is the Alpha and Omega
Jesus Christ the same today and Forever
He is the Alpha and Omega
I have a miracle working God
He walked upon the sea
He rose the Lazarus from dead
He is the Alpha and Omega
I serve a miracle working God
Yes with two fish and five loaves five thousand fed
He rose again from the dead
I have a miracle working God
Yes I remember the day
I will never forget the day
when Jesus washed my sins
Yes I praise Him for He is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
Yes I praise Him for He is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
Jesus is Alpha, Alpha and Omega
He's alive Jesus is alive
Forever He's alive AMEN