David Crowder Band - You're Everything Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: You're Everything
  • Album: Can You Hear Us?
  • Artist: David Crowder Band
  • Released On: 01 Jan 2002
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
David Crowder Band You're Everything

You're Everything Lyrics

You're everything I could want
That I could need if I could see
You want me could I believe
'Cause You're perfectly all I want all I need
If I could just feel Your touch could I be free
Why do You shine so
Can a blind man see?
Why do You call
Do You beckon me?
Can the deaf hear the voice of love?
Would you have me come
Can the cripple run?
Are You the one?

To raise me up from this grave
Touch my toungue and then I'll sing
Heal my limbs then I'll joyfully run to You (2x)

You're everything I could want
That I could need if I could see
You want me could I believe
'Cause You're perfectly all I want all I need
If I could just feel Your touch could I be free
Why do You shine so
Can a blind man see?
Why do You call
Do You beckon me?
Can the deaf hear the voice of love?
Would you have me come
Can the cripple run?
Are You the one?


Cause Your're everything (x4)
And I'm alive and I'll sing
And I'm alive and I'm free

You're Everything Video

You're Everything Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"You're Everything" by David Crowder Band is a powerful and uplifting Christian song that speaks to the deep love and devotion one can have for God. With its heartfelt lyrics and infectious melody, the song has resonated with listeners around the world.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "You're Everything" follows a chronological progression of emotions and thoughts towards God. The main key messages can be categorized as follows:

1. Recognition of God's greatness:
The song opens with the lines "You're bigger than the air I breathe / You're deeper than the ocean deep." Here, the songwriter acknowledges the immense greatness of God, emphasizing that God surpasses all human comprehension and is beyond measure.

2. Surrender and devotion:
As the song continues, the lyrics express a deep sense of surrender and devotion to God. Lines such as "You're all I want, You're all I need" and "You're everything I could want, that I could need" convey the songwriter's complete reliance on God and a desire to have Him as the center of their life.

3. Gratitude and awe:
Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of gratitude and awe towards God. The lyrics express a sense of wonder at God's love and faithfulness, with lines like "You're faithful when I'm broken / You're everything that's good in me."

4. Declaration of God's worthiness:
Towards the end of the song, the lyrics declare God's worthiness of praise and worship. The songwriter proclaims, "You're holy, holy, holy" and acknowledges God's authority and sovereignty over all things.

Meaning of the Song:

The overall meaning of "You're Everything" can be understood as a declaration of God's greatness, a personal surrender to His will, and a deep gratitude for His love and faithfulness. The song conveys a sense of awe and wonder at the magnificence of God and a desire to have Him as the center of one's life.

Inspiration or Song Story:

While there is limited information available about the specific inspiration or story behind "You're Everything," it is clear that the song draws from the songwriter's personal experiences and relationship with God. The heartfelt lyrics and passionate delivery suggest a deep and personal connection to the message of the song.

Critical Analysis of Biblical Foundations:

In order to determine if the song "You're Everything" is biblical, it is important to analyze its lyrics in light of biblical teachings and principles. Let's examine some key aspects of the song and its alignment with the Bible:

1. Recognition of God's greatness:
The Bible repeatedly emphasizes God's greatness and incomprehensibility. Psalm 145:3 says, "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." The song's opening lines, which acknowledge God's vastness and depth, align with this biblical truth.

2. Surrender and devotion:
The concept of surrendering to God and making Him the center of one's life is a prominent theme in the Bible. Romans 12:1 urges believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. The lyrics of "You're Everything" reflect this surrender and devotion to God, aligning with biblical principles.

3. Gratitude and awe:
The Bible encourages believers to have a grateful and awe-filled attitude towards God. Psalm 107:1 says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." The lyrics of the song express gratitude and awe towards God, echoing this biblical teaching.

4. Declaration of God's worthiness:
The Bible repeatedly declares God's worthiness of praise and worship. Revelation 4:8 describes heavenly beings declaring, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty." The song's declaration of God's holiness and worthiness aligns with this biblical truth.

Based on these analyses, it can be concluded that the song "You're Everything" by David Crowder Band is rooted in biblical foundations. The lyrics reflect biblical teachings on God's greatness, the importance of surrender and devotion, gratitude and awe towards God, and the declaration of His worthiness.

In conclusion, "You're Everything" is a powerful Christian song that captures the essence of surrender, devotion, gratitude, and awe towards God. Its heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition make it a favorite among believers. The song's biblical foundations further strengthen its message and align it with core Christian teachings. Through its expression of love and devotion to God, "You're Everything" serves as a reminder of the deep and transformative relationship believers can have with their Creator.

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