David Crowder Band - Why Me? Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Why Me?
  • Album: Give Us Rest Or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])
  • Artist: David Crowder Band
  • Released On: 01 Jan 2012
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
David Crowder Band Why Me?

Why Me? Lyrics

Why me Lord
What have I ever done to deserve even one
Of the pleasures I've known
Tell me Lord
What did I ever do that was worth love from you
Or the kindness you've shown

Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus, you know what I am
Now that I know that I've needed you so
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands

Try me Lord
If you think there's a way I can ever repay what I've taken from you

Maybe Lord
I can show someone else what I've learned myself
On my way back to you

Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus, you know who I am
But now that I know that I've needed you so
Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands

Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands

Why Me? Video

Why Me? Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Why Me? by David Crowder Band: Exploring the Key Messages and Biblical Analysis

Music has always been a powerful medium to express emotions, thoughts, and spiritual reflections. One such song that resonates with many believers is "Why Me?" by David Crowder Band.

The Main Key Messages of the Song:
"Why Me?" is a heartfelt song that reflects the humility and gratitude of the songwriter towards God's love and grace. The lyrics convey a deep sense of unworthiness and a desire to understand why God would choose to bless and show kindness to the singer. Let's explore the main messages of the song through its lines.

1. "Why me Lord, what have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known?"
The opening lines of the song express a sense of awe and wonder at the abundance of blessings the singer has received. It highlights the realization that these blessings are not earned but are gifts from God. It acknowledges that the singer does not deserve the pleasures they have experienced and prompts introspection about the grace of God in their life.

2. "Tell me Lord, what did I ever do that was worth love from you, or the kindness you've shown?"
These lines further deepen the introspection and gratitude expressed in the previous lines. The singer acknowledges their inadequacy and questions why God would choose to love them and shower kindness upon them. It reflects a yearning to understand the depth of God's love and the reasons behind His continual blessings.

3. "Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so. Help me Jesus, you know what I am."
Here, the songwriter acknowledges their shortcomings and failures. They confess that they have wasted the blessings and opportunities God has given them. The plea for help from Jesus reveals a desire for transformation, seeking His guidance and forgiveness. It reflects the recognition of personal flaws and the need for God's intervention in their life.

4. "Now that I know that I've needed you so, help me Jesus, my soul's in your hands."
In these lines, the singer acknowledges their dependence on Jesus. They recognize that they cannot navigate life on their own and need Jesus to guide them. The surrendering of their soul into His hands is an act of trust and reliance. It conveys a deep longing for a renewed relationship with God and a desire to live under His divine guidance.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Why Me?" carries a profound meaning that resonates with many believers. It reflects the universal human experience of recognizing our own unworthiness and yet being overwhelmed by the love and grace of God. The songwriter expresses a desire to understand the reasons behind God's blessings and a longing for a deeper connection with Him.

The inspiration behind this song may vary for different individuals. It could be a result of personal reflections, a transformative experience, or a response to a specific event in the songwriter's life. However, regardless of the specific inspiration, the song captures a sentiment that is common among believers – the awe and gratitude for God's unmerited favor and a deep longing for a closer relationship with Him.

Biblical Analysis:
To critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song "Why Me?", we need to examine whether its themes align with the teachings of the Bible. Let's explore key biblical references that support the messages conveyed in the song.

1. Unearned Grace and Blessings:
The song recognizes that blessings and pleasures in life are not earned but are gifts from God. This echoes the biblical concept of grace, where salvation and blessings are given freely by God based on His love and mercy, not on our own merits. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast." The songwriter's introspection aligns with this biblical truth.

2. Human Inadequacy and the Need for God's Help:
The plea for help and acknowledgment of personal failures reflect the biblical understanding of our human condition. Romans 3:23 states, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The songwriter's recognition of their shortcomings and the need for Jesus' help is consistent with the Bible's teachings. Furthermore, the psalms are filled with similar cries for help and reliance on God in times of trouble.

3. Surrendering to God's Guidance and Trusting Him:
The surrendering of the soul into Jesus' hands reflects the biblical call to trust in God's guidance and surrender our lives to Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 advises, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." The songwriter's desire to have their soul in God's hands aligns with this biblical wisdom.

The song conveys a deep sense of awe, gratitude, and a longing for a closer relationship with God. Its main themes align with biblical teachings on grace, human inadequacy, and the need for God's guidance and help. Whether through personal reflections or transformative experiences, the song resonates with believers who recognize their unworthiness and yet experience the overwhelming love and grace of God.

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