Dan Bremnes - Search the Heavens Lyrics

Search the Heavens Lyrics

Verse 1
Creator of the universe, designer of the sky and earth
Your wonders and your glories never cease
You hold a million galaxies, yet You continue holding me
Your Majesty, I'm humbled by your love

Search the heavens; search the stars, there is no one
Like our God, how great You are, so astounding
High above all else by far, Lord, we're overwhelmed
By who You are

Verse 2
Cloaked in fame and majesty, You tore them off to set us free
You came to know our sorrow and our pain
Invincible, beyond defeat, yet you allowed yourself to bleed
To find a way to bring us back to you

And there's not any way anyone anywhere could ever rival You, could rival You
And there's not any way anyone anywhere could ever outshine You

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