Charles Wesley - O Thou Whom Fain My Soul Would Love! Lyrics


O Thou Whom Fain My Soul Would Love! Lyrics

1 O THOU whom fain my soul would love!
Whom I would gladly die to know;
This veil of unbelief remove,
And show me, all thy goodness show;
Jesus, thyself in me reveal,
Tell me thy name, thy nature tell.

2 Hast thou been with me, Lord, so long,
Yet thee, my Lord, have I not known?
I claim thee with a faltering tongue,
I pray thee, in a feeble groan,
Tell me, O tell me, who thou art,
And speak thy name into my heart!

3 If now thou talkest by the way
With such an abject worm as me,
Thy mystery of grace display;
Open mine eyes that I may see,
That I may understand thy word,
And now cry out - "It is the Lord!"

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