Charles Wesley - Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name! Lyrics

Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name! Lyrics

1 JESUS, let me bless thy name!
All sin, alas! thou know'st I am,
But thou all pity art:
Turn into flesh my heart of stone;
Such power belongs to thee alone;
Turn into flesh my heart.

2 A poor, unmoving wretch, to thee
For help against myself I flee;
Thou only canst remove
The hindrances out of the way,
And soften my unyielding clay,
And mould it into love.

3 O let thy Spirit shed abroad
The love, the perfect love of God,
In this cold heart of mine!
O might he now descend, and rest,
And dwell for ever in my breast,
And make it all divine!

4 What shall I do my suit to gain?
O Lamb of God for sinners slain,
I plead what thou hast done!
Didst thou not die the death for me?
Jesu, remember Calvary,
And break my heart of stone.

5 Take the dear purchase of thy blood,
My Friend and Advocate with God,
My Ransom and my Peace;
Surety, who all my debt hast paid,
For all my sins atonement made,
The Lord my Righteousness.

Hymns of Praise: The Story of Hymn Writer Charles Wesley (2010) | Full Movie | Rev. John P Jackman

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