Mission House is a creative duo comprised of Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt. Mission House was formed out of a community of friends gathered in living rooms and basements, Mission House's Jess and Taylor met five years ago in their hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. Both folk-rock singer-songwriters on their own accord, the two naturally became fast friends and began performing at shows together. Soon after, they started a weekly gathering around a simple vision: share a meal and worship together. It was through these gatherings that Taylor and Jess began writing songs they felt their community needed to hear, sing, and carry with them throughout the week.

Nothing Left To Do Nothing Left To Do - Mission House

If I Was A Bird If I Was A Bird - Mission House

Behold Him Behold Him - Mission House - Revere

Behold Him Behold Him - Mission House

Psalm 116 (I Love You Lord) Psalm 116 (I Love You Lord) - Mission House

Never See the End Never See the End - Mission House

Behold Behold - Mission House

Bless Your Name Bless Your Name - Mission House

Good God Good God - Mission House

I Don't Have Much I Don't Have Much - Mission House

John 6 John 6 - Mission House

Be Unto Your Name Be Unto Your Name - Anchor Hymns - Mission House

Where I Go Where I Go - Mission House

Living Water Living Water - Mission House

Bet All I Have Bet All I Have - Mission House

Vision of Your Love Vision of Your Love - Mission House

Take Heart Take Heart - Mission House

Your Eyes See Me Your Eyes See Me - Mission House

My Soul Depends My Soul Depends - Mission House

Like Jesus Like Jesus - Mission House

Sing With All Your Heart Sing With All Your Heart - Mission House

Seek and Find Seek and Find - Mission House

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