Andy Park - Perfect Peace Lyrics

Perfect Peace Lyrics

Perfect peace, he will give you perfect peace
As you think about his goodness and his kindness
Perfect peace, he will give you perfect peace
As you think about the faithfulness of God

Lay your burdens at his feet
Bring your worries and your fears to him
He cares for you, He cares for you

Come and Rest, come and let your soul find rest
As you meditate on his lovingkindness
Come and rest, come and let your soul find rest
For the burden that he gives you is light

Lay your burdens at his feet
He is able to provide all you need
He cares for you
Yes, He cares for you

Faithfully, he will lead you faithfully
As you trust him and acknowledge him at all times
Faithfully, he will lead you faithfully
As you keep your heart open to his love

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