Fifty miles to Chicago there's no fight
She don't care if I am wrong or right
Hittin' songs from the freedom shelter
I know I can reach her 'cause
She loves, she loves like a marigold
Never thinkin' never feelin' like we're growin' old
Come on, come on, she gives me piece of mind
Every other day, in between and all the time
It's all good
If you think about it
And you can laugh about it
It's all good
It's all good
I fell in love with the daughter of Daniel
She took me up to the peak of an arial
I ain't holdin' on to nothin' or no one
Freedom rings with a song made for everyone
She loves, she loves like a marigold
Never thinkin' never feelin' like we're growin' old
Come on, come on, she gives me piece of mind
Every other day, in between and all the time
It's all good
If you think about it
And you can laugh about it
It's all good
It's all good
Knock me down Im gonna get back up
Feel my heart beating with your love
Sunny days, Rainy nights
I know and you know and we know baby its alright
It's All Good Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration
It's All Good by Andrew Ripp is a song that carries a message of positivity and reassurance. Through its catchy melody and uplifting lyrics, the song encourages listeners to adopt a optimistic perspective in life.
Key Messages of the Song:
The key messages of the song are summarized in the chorus: "It's all good, if you think about it, and you can laugh about it, it's all good." These lines convey the idea that regardless of the circumstances we face, it is possible to find goodness and joy in every situation. The song encourages listeners to shift their perspective and focus on the positive aspects of life, rather than dwelling on the negatives.
The song also highlights the importance of love and relationships. In the verses, Andrew Ripp sings about a person he loves deeply and describes their love as being as beautiful as a marigold. This emphasizes the value of meaningful connections and the happiness they can bring. The lyrics suggest that love can bring peace of mind and can make every day feel special.
Meaning of the Song:
"It's All Good" is a song that promotes a positive outlook on life. It encourages listeners to find the silver lining in every situation and to embrace a mindset of gratitude and joy. The song suggests that by changing our perspective and focusing on the good, we can experience a greater sense of peace and contentment.
The inspiration or story behind the song is not explicitly mentioned in the available information. However, the song's message resonates with the concept of gratitude and the biblical principle of rejoicing in all circumstances.
Biblical Analysis:
From a biblical standpoint, the song's message aligns with several biblical teachings. The Bible encourages believers to give thanks in all circumstances and to find joy even in the midst of trials. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, the apostle Paul writes, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Similarly, James 1:2-3 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
The idea of finding goodness and joy in every situation is also reflected in Philippians 4:8, which says, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." This verse encourages believers to focus their thoughts on positive and uplifting things, rather than dwelling on negativity.
Additionally, the song highlights the importance of love and relationships. Love is a central theme in the Bible, and Jesus himself commanded his followers to love one another (John 13:34-35). The Bible also describes love as patient, kind, and selfless (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). The lyrics of "It's All Good" convey the beauty and impact of love, reminding listeners of the value of cultivating meaningful connections with others.
Overall, while the song does not explicitly mention biblical references or contain direct religious language, its messages align with biblical principles of gratitude, joy, and love. It encourages listeners to adopt a positive perspective and to find goodness in every aspect of life.
"It's All Good" by Andrew Ripp is a song that promotes a positive outlook on life and encourages listeners to find goodness and joy in every situation. Through its uplifting lyrics and catchy melody, the song reminds us to shift our perspective, focus on the positive, and cultivate gratitude. While the song does not explicitly mention biblical references, its messages align with biblical principles of rejoicing in all circumstances, thinking on positive things, and valuing love and relationships. Ultimately, "It's All Good" serves as a reminder to embrace positivity and find joy in every aspect of life.