Petra - Sincerely Yours Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Sincerely Yours
  • Album: No Doubt
  • Artist: Petra
  • Released On: 01 Sep 1995
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Petra Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours Lyrics

Words by Bob Hartman
Based on Romans 12:9

I've lived in my own way
And found that there's a price to pay
And I felt the emptiness
Without Your tenderness
Now before You I confess

Here is all I have to give
I offer up this life I live
I am sincerely Yours
Now in all sincerity
I give You all of me (Jesus)
I am sincerely Yours

This prodigal is standing here
Now with all my senses clear
For all You gave to me
I spent it foolishly
You've been waiting patiently

Now I feel the weight on me is lifting
You've washed away the past
And now there is a new day dawning
As long as I keep holding
As long as I keep holding fast

I am Sincerely Yours
Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours Video

Sincerely Yours Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Sincerely Yours: A Profound Expression of Devotion


"Sincerely Yours" is a powerful Christian song by the band Petra from their album "No Doubt," released in 1995. The song beautifully expresses the deep devotion and surrender to God that should characterize the life of a believer. With heartfelt lyrics and a melodic tune, "Sincerely Yours" resonates with listeners who desire to offer their lives wholeheartedly to God.

Verse 1: Living in My Own Way

The song begins by acknowledging the consequences of living life according to one's own desires. The lyrics state, "I've lived in my own way and found that there's a price to pay." This line highlights the reality of the emptiness and brokenness that comes from pursuing selfish desires and straying from God's path. It serves as a reminder that there are consequences for our actions and choices.

Verse 2: The Emptiness Without God's Tenderness

Continuing from the previous verse, the lyrics emphasize the emptiness experienced without God's presence and love. It says, "And I felt the emptiness without Your tenderness." This line highlights the inherent need for God's love and how it can fill the void within our hearts. Without God, we are left feeling incomplete and searching for something to fill the void.

Chorus: Offering All to God

The chorus serves as a declaration of surrender and devotion to God. It states, "Here is all I have to give, I offer up this life I live. I am sincerely Yours." This line encapsulates the central message of the song – a willingness to give everything to God, acknowledging His lordship and accepting Him as the ultimate authority in one's life. It is a beautiful expression of devotion and the desire to live a life pleasing to God.

Verse 3: Confession and Repentance

In the third verse, the lyrics express a confession and repentance before God. The line says, "Now before You, I confess." This line showcases the importance of acknowledging our sins and seeking forgiveness from God. It reminds us that true repentance involves humbling ourselves before God and admitting our shortcomings.

Bridge: The Weight of Sin Being Lifted

The bridge of the song conveys a sense of liberation and freedom that comes from surrendering our sins to God. The lyrics state, "Now I feel the weight on me is lifting, You've washed away the past." This line symbolizes the cleansing power of God's forgiveness and the freedom that comes from letting go of our burdens. It serves as a reminder that through Christ, we can find release from our past mistakes and experience a renewed life.

Chorus: Reaffirmation of Devotion

The chorus is repeated, reinforcing the theme of surrender and devotion to God. It serves as a reminder that our devotion to God should be ongoing and sincere. The lyrics state, "I give You all of me. I am sincerely Yours." This line emphasizes the importance of a genuine and wholehearted commitment to God.

Meaning and Inspiration

The song "Sincerely Yours" carries a profound meaning for believers. It highlights the importance of surrendering our lives to God, acknowledging our need for Him, and seeking forgiveness for our sins. The lyrics emphasize the transformation that occurs when we let go of our own desires and submit to God's will. It serves as a reminder that true fulfillment and purpose are found in a life devoted to God.

The inspiration behind the song might stem from personal experiences of the band members or a desire to uplift and encourage listeners in their faith journey.

Biblical Analysis

Now, let's critically analyze the song "Sincerely Yours" from a biblical perspective. The song aligns with numerous biblical principles and teachings, making it a sound expression of faith. Here are some key biblical references that support the message of the song:

1. Surrender and Devotion: The song's message of surrender and devotion to God is consistent with biblical teachings. In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul urges believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. Surrendering our lives to God and living in devotion to Him is a biblical mandate.

2. Confession and Repentance: The act of confessing our sins and repenting before God is essential in the Christian faith. In 1 John 1:9, we are assured that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. The song's emphasis on confession and repentance aligns with this biblical principle.

3. God's Forgiveness and Cleansing: The bridge of the song speaks of the weight of sin being lifted and the past being washed away. This concept is rooted in biblical teachings on God's forgiveness and cleansing. In Psalm 103:12, it says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." The song beautifully captures this truth.

4. Surrendering All: The chorus of the song reflects the biblical call to surrender all aspects of our lives to God. Jesus himself taught in Luke 9:23, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." The lyrics of "Sincerely Yours" echo this call to give everything to God.


"Sincerely Yours" is a heartfelt Christian song that resonates with believers who desire to live a life of surrender and devotion to God. Its profound lyrics express the need for God's love, the importance of confessing our sins, and the liberation that comes from surrendering our burdens to Him. The song aligns with biblical principles and teachings on surrender, confession, repentance, and God's forgiveness. Through "Sincerely Yours," listeners are encouraged to live sincerely devoted lives to God, offering all they have to Him.

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