Paul Oakley - I Love Your Love Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: I Love Your Love
  • Album: The Best of Paul Oakley
  • Artist: Paul Oakley
  • Released On: 15 Aug 2010
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Paul Oakley I Love Your Love

I Love Your Love Lyrics

Sometimes when I feel Your love
as I walk along the busy streets
I'll whisper Your name under my breath
And sometimes I feel Your touch
in the quiet place of my room
I sing Your name in adoration

There are times when I feel like I'm bursting
with your love so strong and so true
and in my heart I feel such a yearning
I want all the world to know to know You love them too

I love Your love gonna shout it out aloud
I love Your love wanna tell the world about it
I love Your love 'cause I found it to be true
and I live to love You too

I Love Your Love Video

I Love Your Love Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

I Love Your Love by Paul Oakley: A Song of Devotion and Adoration

"I Love Your Love" is a beautiful Christian worship song written by Paul Oakley. It is a declaration of love and adoration for God, expressing the deep love and connection the singer feels towards Him. The song is filled with heartfelt lyrics that convey the awe-inspiring nature of God's love and the desire to share it with the world.

The song begins with the lines "Sometimes when I feel Your love, as I walk along the busy streets, I'll whisper Your name under my breath." These words capture the intimate moments when the singer feels the presence of God's love in the midst of the chaos of everyday life. It reflects the personal nature of the relationship between the singer and God, where even in the busyness of life, there is a constant connection.

The next lines continue, "And sometimes I feel Your touch, in the quiet place of my room, I sing Your name in adoration." Here, the singer describes experiencing the touch of God in moments of solitude and reflection. It is in these quiet moments that the singer finds solace and expresses their love for God through worship and adoration.

The pre-chorus of the song emphasizes the overwhelming nature of God's love. The lines "There are times when I feel like I'm bursting, with your love so strong and so true, and in my heart, I feel such a yearning, I want all the world to know You love them too" illustrate the deep impact of God's love on the singer's heart. It is a love that cannot be contained and compels the singer to share it with others.

The chorus of the song is a joyful declaration of love for God. The lines "I love Your love, gonna shout it out aloud, I love Your love, wanna tell the world about it, I love Your love 'cause I found it to be true, and I live to love You too" express the singer's desire to proclaim their love for God to the world. It is a love that has been experienced and found to be true, and it becomes the purpose of the singer's life to love God in return.

Meaning and Inspiration:
"I Love Your Love" is a song that speaks of the personal experience of God's love and the desire to share it with others. It is a song of devotion and adoration, reflecting the intimate relationship between the singer and God. The lyrics convey the deep impact of God's love on the singer's life, and the overwhelming desire to proclaim it to the world.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for different individuals, but it is likely rooted in the personal experiences and encounters with God's love. It could be a reflection of moments of prayer, worship, or even everyday encounters with the presence of God. The songwriter, Paul Oakley, may have been inspired by his own experiences of God's love and the desire to express it through music.

Biblical Analysis:
To assess if the song "I Love Your Love" aligns with biblical teachings, we can look at the key messages of the song and compare them with the teachings of the Bible.

1. God's Love:
The song emphasizes the overwhelming nature of God's love and the personal experience of it. The Bible teaches that God's love is unfailing, unconditional, and everlasting (Psalm 136:26, Romans 8:38-39). The lyrics of the song reflect this biblical truth and affirm the singer's experience of God's love.

2. Proclaiming God's Love:
The desire to share God's love with the world is a central theme in the song. This aligns with the Great Commission given by Jesus to His disciples, where He instructs them to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). The song encourages believers to live out this commandment by proclaiming God's love to others.

3. Worship and Adoration:
The act of worship and adoration is a significant aspect of the song. The Bible teaches that God is worthy of all praise and worship (Psalm 95:6, Revelation 4:11). The lyrics express the singer's desire to worship and adore God, reflecting a biblical understanding of the purpose of worship.

Overall, "I Love Your Love" aligns with biblical teachings regarding God's love, the proclamation of His love, and the act of worship and adoration. It conveys a personal experience of God's love and the desire to share it with others, which is consistent with the teachings of the Bible.

"I Love Your Love" is a heartfelt Christian worship song that expresses the singer's deep love and adoration for God. It conveys the personal experience of God's love and the overwhelming desire to share it with the world. The song aligns with biblical teachings regarding God's love, the proclamation of His love, and the act of worship and adoration. It serves as a reminder of the unfailing and unconditional love of God and encourages believers to live a life of love and devotion towards Him.

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