Nashville Life Music - Claim It All Lyrics


Claim It All Lyrics

By Your Spirit, we shine in the darkness 
Though the world may rage, we will not fear 
Greater is the One who’s moving in us 
Than the worst that we’ll encounter here 
By Your Spirit, we shine in the darkness 
Though the world may rage, we will not fear 
Greater is the One who’s moving in us 
Than anything that we’ll encounter here 
Let everywhere we stand 
And boldly lift our hands 
Become a place Your glory falls 
Glory falls 
Let everywhere we bow 
Become Your holy ground 
We wave Your flag of victory 
We claim it all for You, our King 
We declare today Your church is rising 
Stepping into all that You’ve decreed 
You have called us more than overcomers 
And given us Your full authority   
Let Your kingdom come 
Let Your will be done 
We claim it all for You 

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