ICF Worship - Ei Fur Alli Mal Lyrics

Ei Fur Alli Mal Lyrics

Bin t??r erchauft, h?sch mich frei gmacht
Gisch mir en neue W?rt, e neus Design
Du chleidisch mich in Gr?chtigkeit
F?r immer gsehsch du mich vollkomme rein

N?t cha mich zrugghalte, wenn ich r?nne i d?m Glaube
N?t cha mich zurgghalte wenn ich r?nn mit Blick uf Dich

Ei f?r alli mal verg?h
N?t cha mir das jemals n?h
Ich bin frei f?r dich
Ich bin frei f?r dich
Ich wird vo dim Name treit
Bis i alli Ewigkeit
Du bisch alls f?r mich
Du bisch alls f?r mich

Isch mir bewusst was das bed?tet?
Das du mi agno h?sch, mi nie verlahsch
S'isch unverdient, unendlich kostbar
Ich stohne uf, sisch eifach nume Gnad


Ei Fur Alli Mal Video

Ei Fur Alli Mal Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Ei Für Alli Mal: A Song of Freedom and Redemption

"Ei Für Alli Mal" is a powerful and uplifting Christian song by ICF Worship, a worship ministry based in Zurich, Switzerland. This song carries a message of freedom, redemption, and the overwhelming grace of God. Through its lyrics, it encourages listeners to embrace their identity in Christ and live a life of faith.

I. The Journey of Redemption:
The song begins with the lines, "Bin tür erchauft, häsch mich frei gmacht, gisch mir en neue Wört, en neus Design" (I am bought, you have set me free, you give me new words, a new design). These lyrics highlight the transformative power of God's redemption. It speaks of being ransomed and set free from the bondage of sin, and being given a new identity and purpose in Christ.

The following lines proclaim, "Du chleidisch mich in Gröchtigkeit, für immer gsehsch du mich vollkomme rein" (You dress me in righteousness, forever you see me completely clean). This emphasizes the righteousness that believers receive through Jesus Christ. It is through His sacrifice that we are made pure and blameless in God's sight.

II. Unrestrained by Faith:
The chorus declares, "Nüt cha mich zrugghalte, wenn ich rönne i däm Glaube" (Nothing can hold me back when I run in this faith). It speaks of the freedom and confidence that comes from living a life of faith in Christ. Believers are encouraged to step out boldly, knowing that they are empowered by God's Spirit and the assurance of His presence.

The second part of the chorus adds, "Nüt cha mich zurgghalte, wenn ich rönne mit Blick uf Dich" (Nothing can hold me back when I run with my eyes fixed on You). This line reminds us to keep our focus on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). By keeping our eyes on Him, we find strength and endurance to overcome any obstacles that may come our way.

III. The Eternal Promise:
The bridge of the song proclaims, "Ei für alli Mal vergäh, nüt cha mir das jemals näh" (Once and for all it will pass, nothing can ever touch me). This line echoes the biblical truth found in Romans 8:38-39, where the apostle Paul declares that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. It affirms the eternal security and unchanging nature of God's love and promises.

The bridge continues with the lyrics, "Ich bin frei für dich, ich bin frei für dich, ich wird vo dim Name treit, bis i alli Ewigkeit, du bisch alls für mich, du bisch alls für mich" (I am free for you, I am free for you, I am carried by your name, until all eternity, you are everything to me, you are everything to me). These words express a deep sense of surrender, dependence, and devotion to God. It acknowledges that our freedom and identity are found in Him alone, and that He is our everything.

Meaning and Inspiration:
"Ei Für Alli Mal" is a song that speaks to the heart of every believer, reminding them of the freedom, redemption, and grace found in Christ. It encourages listeners to live a life of faith without reservation, knowing that nothing can hold them back when they run in the faith and fix their eyes on Jesus.

The inspiration behind the song may vary from individual experiences to biblical truths.

Biblical Analysis:
The song "Ei Für Alli Mal" aligns with several biblical themes and principles. It emphasizes the following key biblical truths:

1. Redemption: The song acknowledges that believers have been bought and set free by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This aligns with the biblical teaching that through His death and resurrection, Jesus paid the price for our sins and redeemed us from the power of sin and death (Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19).

2. Righteousness: The lyrics highlight the righteousness believers receive through Christ. This echoes the biblical teaching that when we have faith in Jesus, His righteousness is credited to us, making us acceptable in the sight of God (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 3:22).

3. Faith: The song encourages believers to live a life of faith, confidently stepping out in obedience and trust in God. This aligns with the biblical teaching that faith is essential for pleasing God and receiving His promises (Hebrews 11:6).

4. Eternal Security: The bridge of the song affirms the eternal promise of God's love and the security believers have in Him. This echoes the biblical truth that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).

"Ei Für Alli Mal" is a powerful Christian song that conveys a message of freedom, redemption, and the grace of God. Its lyrics encourage believers to live a life of faith, keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus and finding their identity and security in Him alone. The song's biblical alignment and uplifting message make it a source of inspiration and encouragement for believers in their walk with Christ.

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