Clint Brown - No Word But Holy Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: No Word But Holy
  • Album: It's Time to Dance
  • Artist: Clint Brown
  • Released On: 17 Nov 2009
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Clint Brown No Word But Holy

No Word But Holy Lyrics

No word but Holy, that's what I would say,
If I were asked today, to convey, who You are,
No word but Holy, if I had to choose one word describing You
I would use no word but Holy

No other way that I can find, no song no poem,
There's no rhyme, to help me perfectly describe you like this way
There's one word above the rest through out all times
Stood the test, though simple it remains the best to describe You.

No Word But Holy Video

No Word But Holy Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"No Word But Holy" is a powerful and heartfelt worship song by Clint Brown, a renowned Christian singer and songwriter. This captivating song encapsulates the awe-inspiring majesty and holiness of God.

1. The Inspiration Behind "No Word But Holy":
The inspiration behind "No Word But Holy" stems from the deep desire to express the indescribable nature of God's holiness. Clint Brown was inspired by the realization that no words or human expressions could adequately capture the essence of God's presence. The song serves as a reminder that God's holiness surpasses all human understanding and language.

2. A Profound Message of God's Holiness:
"No Word But Holy" conveys a profound message about the holiness of God. It emphasizes the unique and sacred nature of God, who is set apart from everything and everyone else. The song captures the essence of God's holiness, which is pure, perfect, and beyond comprehension.

3. Key Bible Verses Related to the Song:
To better understand the meaning of "No Word But Holy," let's explore some key Bible verses that relate to the theme of God's holiness:

a) Isaiah 6:3 (ESV):
"And one called to another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!'"

This verse from Isaiah describes the heavenly scene where angels continually proclaim the holiness of God. It echoes the sentiment of the song, emphasizing the divine attribute of holiness.

b) Psalm 99:9 (NIV):
"Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy."

In this verse, the psalmist urges us to exalt and worship God, emphasizing His holiness. It reinforces the core message of "No Word But Holy" – God's holiness is worthy of our worship and adoration.

c) Revelation 4:8 (NLT):
"Each of these living beings had six wings, and their wings were covered all over with eyes, inside and out. Day after day and night after night, they keep on saying, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.'"

This verse depicts the heavenly creatures before God's throne, continuously declaring His holiness. It resonates with the song's lyrics, highlighting the eternal and unchanging nature of God's holiness.

4. The Power of Worship:
"No Word But Holy" serves as a powerful tool for worshiping God. Worship is an essential aspect of the Christian faith, allowing believers to express their reverence, love, and devotion to God. This song invites us to enter into a place of deep worship, where we acknowledge God's holiness and surrender our hearts to Him.

5. The Song's Musical Composition:
Apart from its inspiring lyrics, "No Word But Holy" is characterized by a beautiful musical arrangement. The melody and harmonies create an atmosphere of reverence and awe. The song's arrangement incorporates various instruments, including keyboards, guitars, and drums, to elevate the worship experience.

6. The Impact of "No Word But Holy":
This song has touched the lives of countless individuals around the world. Its profound lyrics and powerful melodies have led many believers to encounter God's presence in a transformative way. The song's message of God's holiness resonates deeply within the hearts of those who long to draw closer to Him.

In conclusion, "No Word But Holy" by Clint Brown is a captivating worship song that beautifully expresses the indescribable holiness of God. Inspired by the longing to worship and honor God in His holiness, this song reminds us of the sacredness and awe-inspiring nature of our Heavenly Father. Through its heartfelt lyrics and powerful musical composition, "No Word But Holy" invites believers to enter into a place of deep worship, where we can encounter God's presence and be transformed by His holiness. Let this song be a reminder of the immeasurable greatness and holiness of our God, who is worthy of all our praise and adoration. No Word But Holy Lyrics -  Clint Brown

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