CalledOut Music - Trust In You Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Trust in You
  • Album: My Beautiful Reality
  • Artist: CalledOut Music
  • Released On: 01 Jul 2022
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
CalledOut Music Trust In You

Trust In You Lyrics

Everybody needs something, something to believe in
Everybody is hoping for a better day
My hope is in Yahweh, Yahweh forever
He never sleeps or slumbers, that’s why I call Him
Intentional God, unconditional God
You’re not a man, You never lie, I’m the apple of Your eye
Most glorious God, all powerful King, my world is in Your hands
That’s why I trust You God

I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God
I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God

It’s been a journey, I’m forever humbled by Your mercy
If joy cometh in the morning, I’m up early
I faced times when my closest people hurt me
I’ve been learning we ain’t perfect and it’s only You that’s worthy
So, Lord give me peace cuz You’re all I need in this lifetime
Strength when I’m weak, I gotta trust when I’m lonely in the night time
So, Fly away fly away - that’s how you free the angels to protect me from the pain
It helps me build my faith, I can fight another day
Cuz the saviour of the universe will always make a way
What a place to be
In the midst of the struggle, it’s still miracles I see
Every little detail and orchestrated piece of Your puzzle for those who love You
That’s why I trust You God

I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God
I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God
I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God
I trust You, I trust You
My world is in Your hands, that’s why I trust You God

Trust In You Video

Trust In You Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Trust In You by CalledOut Music: A Message of Faith and Surrender


In the world we live in today, where uncertainties and challenges abound, it can be easy to lose hope and trust in God. However, the song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music reminds us of the importance of placing our trust in God, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Key Messages of the Song

Chronologically, the song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music communicates several important messages. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

1. Everybody needs something, something to believe in
Everybody is hoping for a better day

These opening lines highlight the universal human need for something or someone to believe in. We all long for a better future, a hope that transcends our current circumstances. The song acknowledges this longing and sets the stage for the central message of trust in God.

2. My hope is in Yahweh, Yahweh forever
He never sleeps or slumbers, that's why I call Him
Intentional God, unconditional God
You're not a man, You never lie, I'm the apple of Your eye

In these lines, CalledOut Music affirms his personal conviction and trust in God. He declares that his hope is in Yahweh, the eternal and unchanging God. The lyrics also emphasize God's faithfulness and constant watchfulness over His people. By referring to God as an intentional and unconditional God, the song acknowledges His sovereignty and trustworthiness.

3. Most glorious God, all-powerful King, my world is in Your hands
That's why I trust You, God

Here, CalledOut Music acknowledges God's supreme authority and control. He recognizes that his entire world is in God's hands, and this realization strengthens his trust in Him. The song emphasizes the importance of surrendering our lives and circumstances to the all-powerful King.

4. It's been a journey, I'm forever humbled by Your mercy
If joy cometh in the morning, I'm up early
I faced times when my closest people hurt me
I've been learning we ain't perfect and it's only You that's worthy

These lines reflect the personal experiences and journey of the songwriter. He acknowledges the challenges he has faced, including betrayal and hurt from those closest to him. However, he also recognizes the transformative power of God's mercy and the truth that joy comes in the morning. The song highlights the imperfections of human relationships and emphasizes the sole worthiness of God.

5. So, Lord give me peace 'cause You're all I need in this lifetime
Strength when I'm weak, I gotta trust when I'm lonely in the nighttime
So, Fly away, fly away - that's how you free the angels to protect me from the pain
It helps me build my faith, I can fight another day

In these lines, CalledOut Music expresses his dependence on God for peace and strength. He acknowledges that God is his ultimate source of comfort in times of weakness and loneliness. The lyrics also convey the idea that trusting in God enables him to overcome pain and build his faith. The song encourages listeners to rely on God's protection and find strength to face each new day.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song

The song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music serves as a reminder to trust in God's faithfulness and sovereignty. It is a call to surrender our lives and circumstances to Him, recognizing that He is in control. The lyrics express the songwriter's personal journey of learning to trust God in the face of challenges and uncertainties.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced to the songwriter's own experiences and encounters with God. Like many others, he has faced moments of betrayal, hurt, and loneliness. However, through these trials, he has come to understand the importance of placing his trust in God alone. The song is a testament to his personal growth and the transformative power of God's mercy in his life.

Critically Analyzing the Song's Biblical Foundation

Now, let's critically analyze the biblical foundation of the song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music. To do this, we will examine the key messages of the song and compare them to the teachings of the Bible.

1. Trust in God: The central message of the song aligns with numerous biblical passages that exhort believers to trust in God. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Similarly, Psalm 37:5 encourages us to "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act."

2. God's Faithfulness: The song emphasizes God's unwavering faithfulness and reliability. This aligns with numerous biblical passages that affirm God's faithfulness to His people. Lamentations 3:22-23 declares, "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Additionally, 2 Timothy 2:13 states, "if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself."

3. God's Sovereignty: The song acknowledges God's sovereignty and control over all things. This aligns with biblical teachings that emphasize God's supreme authority. Psalm 103:19 proclaims, "The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all." Romans 8:28 further assures believers that "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

4. Dependence on God: The song highlights the songwriter's dependence on God for peace, strength, and protection. These themes are echoed throughout the Bible. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages believers to "not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Similarly, Psalm 28:7 declares, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me."

Overall, the song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music aligns with biblical teachings on trust in God, His faithfulness, sovereignty, and our dependence on Him. It serves as a powerful reminder to place our trust in God, especially in the face of challenges and uncertainties.

In conclusion, the song "Trust In You" by CalledOut Music delivers a message of faith and surrender. It encourages listeners to place their trust in God, acknowledging His faithfulness, sovereignty, and the need for dependence on Him. The song draws inspiration from the songwriter's personal journey and experiences with God. Critically analyzing its biblical foundation reveals that the key messages of the song align with the teachings of the Bible. "Trust In You" serves as a reminder to trust in God's unwavering love and to find comfort and strength in Him.

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