Jonathan David & Melissa Helser are an American Christian music husband and wife duo from Sophia, North Carolina, who started their music recording careers together in 2013. They have released three studio albums with Bethel Music, Endless Ocean, Bottomless Sea, On the Shores and Beautiful Surrender.

I Can’t Get Away & Downpour I Can’t Get Away & Downpour - Bethel Music - Melissa Helser - Naomi Raine

Revival’s In The Air Revival’s In The Air - Bethel Music - Melissa Helser

Give Thanks Give Thanks - Steffany Gretzinger - Melissa Helser

Sound Mind Sound Mind - Melissa Helser - Bethel Music

We Make Space We Make Space - Bethel Music - Melissa Helser

We Make Space We Make Space - Melissa Helser

Explode My Soul Explode My Soul - Melissa Helser

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