Unmasking Soaking Prayer: Discerning Truth from Mystical Trends in Christianity.

Discover the biblical perspective on soaking prayer, a mystical practice that lacks substantial support. Prioritize a genuine relationship with God through prayer.

Understanding Soaking Prayer: A Biblical Perspective

Since the 1990s, there has been a growing emphasis on mysticism within certain segments of Christianity. This trend, often bordering on the esoteric, has led to the rise of mystical experiences that prioritize emotion-driven responses over sound biblical teaching. One such practice is soaking prayer, which involves resting in God's presence and seeking spiritual experiences through prolonged periods of prayer and meditation.

At first glance, soaking prayer may not appear inherently problematic. After all, who wouldn't want to experience the tangible presence of God? However, as believers, our ultimate authority for discerning truth should always be the Bible. When we examine soaking prayer in light of biblical teachings, we find that it lacks substantial support.

Prayer in the Bible: A Model to Follow

Prayer, in its simplest form, is calling on the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26). Throughout the Bible, we see prayer as a means of communicating with God, seeking His will, and expressing our dependence on Him. Nowhere in Scripture do we find a model of prayer that aligns with the practices of soaking prayer.

Soaking prayer begins with the act of calling on the name of the Lord, but it quickly devolves into a trance-like state of meditation. This departure from biblical prayer resembles more closely the practices of New Age spirituality or Hinduism rather than the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.

The Biblical Perspective on Experiencing God's Presence

Experiencing the presence of God can undoubtedly be powerful and life-changing. However, the methodology employed in soaking prayer is where it deviates from biblical principles. Soaking prayer aims to obtain a spiritual experience by actively seeking out God's presence through mystical exercises. This approach aligns with contemplative prayer and contemplative spirituality, both of which are equally unbiblical.

Biblical prayer, on the other hand, is centered around communication with God and aligning our will with His (1 John 5:14). As believers, we already understand that God's presence is always with us (Psalm 139:7; Matthew 28:20; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 2 Timothy 1:14). We don't need to rely on physical sensations or mystical practices to validate His presence.

Seeking a Biblical Approach to Prayer

So how can we ensure that our prayer lives align with the teachings of the Bible? First and foremost, we must prioritize a deep understanding of God's Word. The Bible is our ultimate guide for discerning truth and shaping our beliefs and practices (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Instead of seeking mystical experiences, we should focus on developing a genuine relationship with God through prayer. Biblical prayer involves pouring out our hearts to God, expressing our gratitude, confessing our sins, and seeking His guidance and wisdom (Psalm 62:8; Philippians 4:6; James 5:16).

Additionally, we can learn from the examples of prayer provided in the Bible. Jesus taught His disciples to pray using the Lord's Prayer as a model (Matthew 6:9-13). The psalms are also filled with heartfelt prayers and expressions of praise and worship. By studying and emulating these biblical examples, we can cultivate a more meaningful and authentic prayer life.


While soaking prayer may seem appealing on the surface, it is essential for believers to evaluate its alignment with biblical teachings. Prayer should always be grounded in the Word of God and focused on genuine communication with Him, rather than seeking mystical experiences or sensations.

By prioritizing a deep understanding of Scripture and following the biblical models of prayer, we can cultivate a prayer life that is rooted in truth, authenticity, and a genuine relationship with God. Let us remember that God's presence is always with us, and we can experience His love and guidance without the need for mystical practices.

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