Prayers for Healing Broken Family Relationships: Finding Forgiveness, Reconciliation & Restoration.

Discover the power of prayers to heal broken family relationships. Find forgiveness, reconciliation, wisdom, healing, and strength through these powerful prayers.

As a Christian author, I understand the importance of family relationships. However, sometimes these relationships can become broken and strained. It can be challenging to know what to do or say in these situations, but prayers can be a powerful tool to bring healing and restoration to our families.

In this article, we will explore prayers for broken family relationships and how they can help us to find peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Let's dive in.

Prayer for Forgiveness

One of the most significant barriers to healing broken family relationships is the lack of forgiveness. Holding onto anger, resentment, or bitterness can make it challenging to move forward and repair the damage that has been done.

If you are struggling to forgive a family member who has hurt you, I encourage you to pray this prayer:

"Heavenly Father, I come before you today with a heavy heart. I am struggling to forgive [name of family member] for the pain they have caused me. Please help me to release the anger and bitterness in my heart and replace it with your love and compassion. Help me to see [name of family member] through your eyes and to extend grace and forgiveness to them. Thank you for your mercy and kindness towards me, and I pray that you will help me to show that same mercy and kindness to others. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Prayer for Reconciliation

Another essential aspect of healing broken family relationships is reconciliation. It can be challenging to come together and work through our differences, but with God's help, it is possible.

If you are hoping to reconcile with a family member, I encourage you to pray this prayer:

"God of reconciliation, I come before you today asking for your help in restoring my relationship with [name of family member]. I know that we have both made mistakes and that there is hurt on both sides, but I believe that with your help, we can find healing and forgiveness. Please soften [name of family member]'s heart towards me and help us to come together in love and unity. Thank you for your faithfulness and your promise to restore what has been broken. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Prayer for Wisdom

Sometimes, when family relationships are broken, it can be challenging to know what to do or say. We may feel lost or unsure of how to move forward. In these moments, it can be helpful to pray for wisdom and guidance.

If you are struggling to know how to proceed in a broken family relationship, I encourage you to pray this prayer:

"God of wisdom, I come before you today asking for your guidance and direction in my broken family relationship with [name of family member]. I am unsure of how to move forward or what to do, but I trust in your wisdom and guidance. Please help me to see the situation clearly and to know how to proceed. Give me the courage to do what is right and the strength to forgive and extend grace. Thank you for your love and your promise to be with me always. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Prayer for Healing

When family relationships are broken, there is often pain and hurt involved. It can be challenging to overcome these feelings and find healing, but with God's help, it is possible.

If you are struggling with pain or hurt in a broken family relationship, I encourage you to pray this prayer:

"Healing God, I come before you today asking for your help in healing the pain and hurt in my broken family relationship with [name of family member]. I know that I have been hurt, but I also know that you are a God of healing and restoration. Please help me to release the pain and hurt in my heart and to find peace and comfort in your love. Please also bring healing to [name of family member]'s heart and help them to find peace and forgiveness. Thank you for your faithfulness and your promise to heal what has been broken. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Prayer for Strength

Repairing broken family relationships can be challenging and exhausting. It can be helpful to pray for strength and perseverance as we navigate this difficult journey.

If you are feeling weary or discouraged in a broken family relationship, I encourage you to pray this prayer:

"God of strength, I come before you today asking for your help in finding the strength and perseverance to repair my broken family relationship with [name of family member]. This journey has been difficult and exhausting, but I know that with your help, I can continue to move forward. Please give me the courage to do what is right and the strength to extend grace and forgiveness. Please also help [name of family member] to find the strength and courage to work towards reconciliation. Thank you for your faithfulness and your promise to be with me always. In Jesus' name, Amen."


Broken family relationships can be painful and challenging, but with God's help, healing and restoration are possible. I encourage you to pray these prayers and to seek guidance and wisdom from God as you navigate this journey.

Remember, forgiveness, reconciliation, wisdom, healing, and strength are all essential aspects of repairing broken family relationships. With God's help, we can find the peace and restoration that we need.


1. Can broken family relationships ever be fully restored?

Yes, with God's help, broken family relationships can be fully restored. It may take time and effort, but with forgiveness, reconciliation, and love, it is possible.

2. What role does forgiveness play in repairing broken family relationships?

Forgiveness is a crucial aspect of repairing broken family relationships. Holding onto anger, bitterness, or resentment can make it challenging to move forward and find healing and restoration.

3. How can I know if I should try to repair a broken family relationship?

It can be challenging to know whether or not to try to repair a broken family relationship. I encourage you to pray for wisdom and guidance from God and to seek counsel from trusted friends or family members.

4. Are there any situations where it is not possible to repair a broken family relationship?

While healing and restoration are possible in many broken family relationships, there may be situations where it is not possible or safe to try to repair the relationship. In these situations, it is essential to seek guidance and support from trusted professionals.

5. How can I show love and grace to a family member who has hurt me?

Showing love and grace to a family member who has hurt us can be challenging, but it is possible with God's help. I encourage you to pray for a softened heart towards that person and to extend grace and forgiveness, even when it is difficult. Remember, we are all sinners in need of God's grace and mercy.

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